22 Years' Battery Customization

What is the significance of recycling used batteries?

Jan 22, 2019   Pageview:989

At present, China has no relevant management measures for the recycling and disposal of used batteries. A series of paid and unpaid local recycling activities, such as reward recycling, trade-in, and public welfare recycling, have gradually weakened the understanding of the harmfulness of waste batteries that have just been established in the hearts of the public. More citizens have been directed to commercial exchanges. Whether it is commercial or public welfare recycling management will be a pressure. The above recycling activities will eventually return to a more difficult problem, that is, the transportation, storage and disposal of waste batteries. Waste batteries as toxic and hazardous wastes should belong to the environmental protection department's work, but it is mixed with urban domestic waste into the sanitation department, so the used batteries have become a big problem in the environmental protection and sanitation departments, due to the recycling and disposal of waste batteries in China. The technology development research work started late, the public is not aware of environmental protection, and the harm to the waste battery is more obvious. Therefore, a series of problems such as small recycling volume and no standard for transportation and storage work restrict and limit the recycling and treatment. In summary, systemic and scientific waste battery recycling such as “government guidance, social participation, unified collection and transportation, and proper disposal” are the main problems today.


In people's daily life, batteries have become an indispensable necessity. People can deal with batteries every day. Walkmans need batteries, cars and motorcycles use batteries, etc. Let's take a closer look at the battery.


Foreword: A battery is a device that can directly convert chemical energy, internal energy, light energy, atomic energy, etc. into electrical energy. The earliest battery can be traced back to the voltaic battery invented by Italian physicist Volt, two hundred years ago. It makes people get a relatively stable and continuous current for the first time, and it has an epoch-making significance. Under the guidance of the principle of voltaic battery and the spirit of research and development, people have been working hard to develop new generations of batteries from generation to generation. Dry batteries to new types of solar cells, lithium polymer batteries (Li-polymer) and fuel cells, etc., not only in battery capacity, volume, ease of use, etc., but also in the development of these new batteries In the process, it is deeply infiltrated by people’s strong awareness of environmental protection.


The types of batteries


Chemical battery according to the nature of work can be divided into: a battery (battery); Secondary batteries (rechargeable batteries) lead-acid battery.


A cell (primary cell)


Batteries can be used only once, not through the way of charging the chemical energy of the supplement has turned off again, is called a battery. Such common have dry cell batteries, mercury batteries and alkaline batteries, etc.


The application of primary batteries is the most extensive, and almost all non-rechargeable batteries sold in the market belong to this category, such as the button-type mercury batteries shown in the figure below, batteries No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3.


Among them: a battery can be divided into: paste zinc-manganese batteries, cardboard zinc manganese battery, alkaline zinc-manganese batteries, button batteries, zinc silver buckle type lithium manganese batteries, button zinc manganese battery, zinc air battery, lithium manganese batteries at a time.


Secondary battery (secondary battery)


Secondary battery refers to is the battery can be repeated use. Through the process of charging, can make the battery inside of the active material once again return to the original state, and thus can provide power again. This kind of lead acid battery (lead acid battery) battery, nickel cadmium battery (nickel cadmium battery), nickel metal hydride batteries (nickel hydrogen battery), two times The lithium battery (secondary lithium battery) as well Lithium ion batteries (lithium ion battery) and polymer lithium battery (polymer lithium battery), etc.


Secondary batteries can be divided into: nickel-cadmium batteries, nickel-hydrogen batteries, lithium-ion batteries, secondary alkaline zinc-manganese batteries, etc. Lead-acid batteries can be divided into: open lead-acid batteries, fully enclosed lead-acid batteries.


According to the qualitative material can be divided into


Nickel cadmium battery


One of the first battery, has the memory effect, which is to determine before per charge has electricity used up, also is the need to discharge action, can increase the battery life; Remember three, four years ago is the use of this mobile phone batteries.


NIMH batteries


Than traditional nickel-cadmium batteries long standby time, also had no memory effect; but it is better to in power after use recharging, also can increase the battery life.


The lithium battery


The standby time longest, no memory effect, it is a pity that the unit price is very high, the highest technology) in Japan at present, another feature of lithium batteries, is not overheating in the battery, otherwise it will burn. If you have impression, lithium electricity in the invention, it is not stable, after these years of hard work and overcome, only successful listing.


Lithium polymer


The latest lithium battery technology, the unit price is also the highest. At present, only Texus T28 adopts this technology. Lithium polymer greatly reduces the instability of lithium battery. It can be made lighter and thinner. More advanced one step.


Explain the lithium battery with difference of NIMH batteries


Nickel-metal hydride batteries are uneconomical in terms of the number of uses, and because there is not much storage capacity, it feels that it will take a long time to prepare for charging. It also has a so-called memory effect, and the storage capacity will gradually decrease. So it is best to charge before charging. To discharge, it can be recharged less. Lithium battery can last longer than the power of nickel, hydrogen is longer than nickel-metal hydride, charging can be charged without discharging. The number of refilling is obviously more. But due to the new relationship between material and technology The price is much more expensive than NIMH. It is recommended to use a mobile phone that can be used with a lithium battery to save the trouble of constant charging, and the nickel-hydrogen should be periodically discharged to prevent the battery from deteriorating due to the memory effect. Generally speaking, the lithium battery and Nickel-metal hydride batteries use the mobile phone to automatically shut down to complete the discharge action, but the nickel-metal hydride battery with the charging seat discharge button discharge will be better.


The composition of the battery


Any kind of battery is composed of four basic components. The four main components are two different electrode materials, electrolytes, the diaphragm and the shell.


The harm of the battery


The harm of mercury


Mercury in nature mainly exists in the form of mercuric sulfide, mercury can evaporate at room temperature, if the mercury industrial waste residue, waste gas emissions, any can create the atmosphere, soil, water body pollution, mercury ions into the blood and plasma protein and hemoglobin can also lead to cell damage, the main effects on kidney and nervous system, causing nephrotic syndrome, neurasthenia and other diseases. Such as: Japan, the middle of the 20th century, minamata bay near the minamata city residents especially fishermen suddenly appeared, headache, tinnitus, coma, action disorders and other symptoms, severe cases died, in a few days later find out that is caused by mercury pollution of water near the factories, because near the city of minamata said again: "minamata disease"


Cadmium and the relationship of human life


Cadmium is an essential trace element in the human body. Cadmium in the human body is mainly a metal that is taken up and accumulated from the environment after birth. It mainly accumulates in the liver and kidney. Cadmium mainly comes from contaminated soil and plants, and the roots of plants have cadmium. Special absorption and enrichment, acute cadmium poisoning caused by cadmium smoke inhalation, first of all respiratory irritation symptoms, dry mouth, runny nose, sore throat, etc., with dizziness, headache, fatigue, chills, fever and other symptoms, severe cases Acute hepatic necrosis or acute renal failure, the main pathology of chronic poisoning is emphysema and kidney damage. For example: "pain pain" in the Shentongchuan basin of Toyama Prefecture, Japan, also known as "bone pain". After investigation in 1968, It was confirmed that cadmium polluted the river water, soil and paddy fields due to a plant in the upper reaches of Shentongchuan.


Nickel and the relationship of human life


Nickel is essential trace elements, and the body's metabolic enzyme, blood system, liver cells have a certain relationship, normal adults nickel 6 ~ 10 mg, adult daily intake of 0.4 mg, nickel deficiency can cause the blood system and nervous system diseases. Nickel poisoning can cause cell malignant transformation, have carcinogenic effect, can cause coronary heart disease, allergic diseases such as skin lesions.


Manganese and the relationship of human life


Manganese is an essential trace element in the human body. It is involved in human sugar and fat metabolism. The human body contains 12~20mg of manganese. Normal adults need to take 5~10mg every day. Children need 0.2~0.3mg. Manganese deficiency causes dwarfism, anemia and other diseases. Excessive manganese content can cause cerebrovascular disease. Chronic manganese poisoning is mainly caused by neurasthenia syndrome and autonomic dysfunction, and typical tremor paralysis syndrome occurs in late stage.


Zinc and the relationship of human life


Zinc, zinc is essential trace elements, it is necessary elements constitute the human body a variety of protein, zinc to the human body metabolic enzymes, vitamins and growth and development of the human body immune function has a direct impact, normal adult body zinc amount is about 2 ~ 2.5 g, infants and children's growth and development is rapid, every day takes about 0.22 ~ 1.2 mg/kg, adults need about 10 ~ 15 mg daily, women and about 25 mg a day during pregnancy, which can lead to nutritional dwarfism, im the original physical diseases such as dermatitis. Air, water and food contaminated with zinc, zinc can cause excessive enters the body, cause the zinc poisoning, abdominal pain, diarrhea, anorexia, lethargy and other disease, chronic zinc poisoning can lead to anemia, hypertension, coronary heart disease and other diseases.


At present our country the status quo of battery production


According to the Chinese battery industry association figures: the production of 2000, China's battery total 17 billion, of which export 13 billion only, but at the same time, imports more than 30, one hundred million, the domestic market consumption from 70 to 8 billion.


The current situation of battery consumption in Beijing


According to the figures provided by the relevant administrative departments in Beijing, the total amount of batteries consumed in Beijing in 1998 was about 200 million, equivalent to about 6,000 tons.


The methods of dealing with the waste batteries


Regarding the disposal of used batteries, China's current proprietary technology, processing methods, recycling systems, laws and regulations, etc. are still in the stage of discussion and exploration. In the past, some enterprises have also carried out resource treatment of waste dry batteries, but Due to improper handling, it is also very easy to cause new pollution.


As for the small one-cell batteries, the amount of pollution "energy" they release is so large that people can't see, can't touch, can't smell, and can't estimate. But for used batteries, waste tubes contain mercury. , toxic and harmful heavy metals such as zinc and manganese have been recognized by many people.


In worrying at the same time, the company by the China environmental protection for the poisonous and harmful solid wastes (waste batteries and tubes, etc.) processing equipment localization of the imported technology demonstration project, national debt project, has passed the state environmental protection administration, China battery industry association, China association of lighting industry executives and relevant experts review, and by the Beijing municipal planning commission, approved by the state development planning commission, will be started in Beijing.


The significance of recycling of waste batteries


Waste batteries contain a variety of heavy metals and acids, alkalis and other harmful substances, which are discarded at will, which is very harmful to the ecological environment and public health. The heavy metal ions exuded from waste batteries will cause groundwater and soil pollution, threatening human health. On the one hand, non-ferrous metals in waste batteries are valuable natural resources. If waste batteries can be recycled and reused, it will not only reduce the damage to our ecological environment, but also save resources.


Green environmental protection battery


Refers to has been put into use in recent years and are developing a kind of high performance, non-polluting batteries, including has been put into use of nickel metal hydride batteries, lithium ion battery, is promoting the use of mercury-free alkaline zinc manganese dioxide battery, and fuel cells, solar cells (photovoltaic cell), etc.


The significance of waste battery recycling


Waste batteries are discarded or improperly piled up. If the battery is too long, it will cause harmful substances such as mercury, nickel, lead and chromium to scatter. The damage of these harmful substances to groundwater sources and soils is enormous. The dissolution of one No. 1 battery is enough to make 1 square meter of soil lose agricultural value, and a button battery can pollute 600,000 liters of water (this is a person) The amount of water used throughout life). The lead contained in the rechargeable battery can damage the blood circulation system, the digestive system and the nervous system, and cadmium can cause serious diseases such as kidney damage and bone softening.


Obviously, the recycling and disposal of used batteries can never be seen as a "small thing."


In China, the recovered rechargeable batteries must be sorted by hand, pick out nickel-cadmium batteries, nickel-hydrogen batteries and lithium batteries, and then put them into sturdy plastic packaging drums, seal them and put them into rainproof, sun-proof, fireproof, Keep it in a special warehouse for theft prevention. It is estimated that the collected waste batteries need to be temporarily stored for a certain period of time. Reuse of disposable dry batteries requires a certain amount of money to be profitable. The current treatment strategy is to carry out a centralized and harmless landfill to the sanitary filling field. After the technology is mature, it is taken out and recycled.


Developed country's attitude toward waste battery recycling and recycling measures:


United States: It is the country with the most detailed legislation on waste battery environmental management. It has not only established a complete waste battery recycling system, but also established a number of waste battery treatment plants, while persistently publicizing and educating the public to make the public conscious. Support and cooperate with the recycling of waste batteries.


Japan: Hokkaido Nomura Corporation produces 13,000 tons of waste batteries from the country each year, accounting for 20% of the national waste batteries. The collection method is 93% collected by private environmental organizations and 7% collected by various manufacturers. In the past, it was mainly to recover the mercury. However, at present, the domestic battery in Japan has no mercury. It mainly recycles the iron shell of the battery and the “black” raw material, and develops and manufactures the secondary product. One of the products can be used for the picture tube of a television set.


Germany: Consumers are required to send used batteries, button batteries and other types of batteries to the store or waste recycling station for recycling. Stores and waste recycling stations must unconditionally accept used batteries and transfer them to the manufacturer for recycling. Waste recycling stations and manufacturers generally only recycle batteries containing cadmium and mercury-containing toxic chemicals, while 90% of ordinary zinc-carbon batteries and aluminum-magnesium batteries are disposed of as domestic waste or incinerated.


Switzerland: There is a factory that treats old batteries by heat treatment. The old batteries are ground and then sent to the furnace for heating to extract the volatilized mercury and zinc, which are precious metals. After the iron and manganese are fused, they become the ferromanganese alloy required for steel making. The plant can process 2,000 tons of waste batteries a year, and can get 780 tons of ferromanganese, 400 tons of zinc alloy and 3 tons of mercury.


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