23 Years' Battery Customization

Formula for calculating capacitor charging and discharging time and charging current

Feb 08, 2019   Pageview:1307

Set the initial voltage of the capacitor value is V0 ;V1 for eventually rechargeable capacitance or voltage value;V t as moment capacitor of the voltage value., n = " V0" + (V1 - V0) * (1 - exp (-t/RC)] or, RC * t = Ln (V1 - V0)/(V1 - Vt)], for example, the voltage E battery goes through R initial value of zero capacitance C charge V0 = 0, V1 = E, so charge voltage of capacitor at T time is

Set, where V0 is the initial voltage on the capacitor value;

V1 for capacitance eventually rechargeable to or on the voltage value;

N t moment capacitor on the voltage value.





For example, the voltage of battery by R E capacitance C charging to the initial value of 0

Where V0 = 0, V1 = E, the charge to the capacitor on the voltage of t time:


Such as, the initial discharge voltage of capacitance C by R E

Where V0 = E, V1 = 0, so on the capacitor on the voltage of t time:


And, as the initial value for a third VCC capacitance C by R charging, charging terminal value is zero

Vcc, ask charge to 2/3 Vcc need how much time?

Where V0 = Vcc / 3, V1 = Vcc, n = 2 * Vcc / 3, so



Note: the above exp () said to the exponential function of e at the bottom;Ln () is at the bottom of logarithmic function e

The page contains the contents of the machine translation.


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