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Tesla delivers battery energy storage systems for large power packs

Jun 29, 2019   Pageview:540

Recently, overseas media reported that Tesla recently delivered a large battery storage system with power packs, which will be installed in a glass container factory in Scotland to avoid power outages.

It is understood that the Power pack system can undertake electrical energy stored value in the trough electricity phase, to use less electricity for electric energy. In addition can also be feedback to the electricity grid, to cope with more than a pure electric vehicle charging at the same time the grid load caused by high power condition.

Ardagh group and the project of glass container manufacturer ESBS mart Energy Services behind the energy company jointly issued the message to see, Tesla Power pack system had started construction in early April. This is a capacity of 2 mw large Power pack battery energy storage system, Tesla's delivery in the UK is the largest energy storage system.

According to the project director, solution to the energy storage system power state was divided into two: first, Power pack battery energy storage system is low demand for electricity in the factory of time (usually for public power grid during off peak time) to store energy, and during the intermittent power supply power to ensure that the production needs; Second, the system can be in energy storage under the condition of excessive, will feedback to public power grid electricity, to supplement the power grid in power demand, alleviate the pressure of the public power grid power supply. The energy storage system in the UK manufacturing is second to none.

In addition to the UK, Tesla Power pack battery energy storage system is still in the United States, France, Australia and the Philippines have delivery use case, but at present the main role or inhibit the local intermittent power to people's life and production. Pure electric vehicles in the future, when the ownership of surge, such as a large number of pure electric vehicle charging condition at the same time, the pressure of the public power grid may be overwhelmed by demand instant spurt, similar to the emergence of the Power pack battery energy storage system, may be under the condition of existing technology, relative to the overall transformation of public power grid, the feasibility of the higher solution.

The page contains the contents of the machine translation.


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