22 Years' Battery Customization

British Tangzhi New Energy Proposed Lithium Battery Project

Jul 10, 2019   Pageview:801

On the evening of January 12, Shenzhen Yingtang Intelligent Control Co., Ltd.(Yingtang Zhizhi) issued an announcement saying that it will build an annual output of 4,000 tons of new energy battery positive and negative materials in the Tengchong Border Economic Cooperation Zone, with a total investment of about 50 million yuan. yuan.

Background on cooperation

The announcement said that in recent days, the British Tang Zhizhi and Baoshan City Tengchong Border Economic Cooperation Zone Management Committee(Tengchong Management Committee) friendly consultations, in order to speed up the economic development of the Tengchong Border Economic Cooperation Zone in Baoshan City, improve the layout of the border area's industrial functions. Taking full advantage of the advantages of regional transportation and production costs in Tengchong Bianhe District, and seizing opportunities in South Asia, Southeast Asia and the domestic market, the British and Tang wisdom control has been fully investigated, analyzed and demonstrated. After friendly negotiations between the two sides, we plan to invest in and build an annual project of 4,000 tons of positive and negative materials for new energy batteries in the Tengchong Border Economic Cooperation Zone in Baoshan City. The "Cooperation Agreement on the Construction of an Annual Production of 4,000 Tons of New energy battery Positive and Negative Materials in the Tengchong Border Economic Cooperation Zone in Baoshan City" was signed, and a long-term cooperative partnership was established on this basis.

About Tengchong Border Economic Cooperation Zone

In June 2010, the Baoshan Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government established the Baoshan Monkey Bridge Border Economic Cooperation Zone. In May 2012, the Yunnan Provincial People's Government listed the Baoshan Monkey Bridge Border Economic Cooperation Zone as one of the five provincial-level border areas in Yunnan Province. In order to seize major historical opportunities for the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Mengzhou-China-India-Myanmar Economic Corridor, fully integrate superior resources and existing foundations, and strengthen the implementation of the Greater Border Economic Cooperation Zone, the Baoshan Monkey Bridge Border Economic Cooperation Zone and the Tengchong Economic Development Zone. The "Baoshan Monkey Bridge Border Economic Cooperation Zone" was renamed "Tengchong Border Economic Cooperation Zone".

On the content of cooperation

Relying on the unique location advantages, better access conditions, a superior opening up environment and abundant resources of Tengchong Bianhe District, we have actively integrated into the National Belt and Road Development Strategy. With the advanced and mature new energy battery module production technology, research and development, manufacturing capabilities, talents, management, and rich market operating experience, the company has invested in the construction of an annual production of 4,000 tons of new energy battery positive and negative materials. The first phase of the project will be completed in 2018. 3 lines; The second phase completed the construction of 6 production lines in 2019; In the third phase, 12 production lines were completed in 2020.

The construction site of the project is located in the high-tech industrial park of Tengchong Border Economic Cooperation Zone in Baoshan City. An estimated total investment of 50 million yuan(by the British Tang Zhizhi and Zhejiang Zhoushan Zhanteng Investment Partnership(limited partnership) invested 25.5 million yuan and 24.5 million yuan respectively to jointly establish a company's form investment and construction project).

About Yingtang Zhizhi

According to public information, British Tang Zhizhi is located in the High-tech Industrial Park in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province. The legal representative is Huqingzhou. It was listed in October 2010. Its main business is distribution of electronic components, software development, sales and maintenance, and electronic intelligence. Controller development, production, sales.

Mr Tang said the signing of the cooperation agreement would help the company seize the historic development opportunities of the new energy industry and the Belt and Road Initiative, promote the extension of the company's business to the upper reaches of the industrial chain with a more scientific and technological content and value content, develop new materials and technologies, and expand the new energy market. In order to improve the company's industrial layout, enhance the scale of performance.

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