22 Years' Battery Customization

Can a graphene battery be a permanent battery?

Jul 08, 2019   Pageview:804

Look at the full-screen phone in your hand, and you haven't had the amazing look when you first started. But think about it, isn't this the future technology we have been looking forward to? The technology that used to appear in science fiction movies has been quietly integrated into our lives, and 2017 is just a year of collective eruption of these black technologies. We have seen many of these technologies that we have seen.


Full screen, facial recognition, artificial intelligence, etc., the emergence of these technologies seems to let us see a revolution on the smartphone, but in fact this is just the beginning. Today we will take stock of the smartphone technologies that have appeared or will be available soon.


1. The full screen to the final form of the screen


At the beginning of the text, we mentioned the comprehensive screen. In 2017, the full-screen tide swept the entire mobile phone circle. Up to now, the flagship flagship, down to the 800-inch entry machine, the full screen has become standard.


However, the full screen is not comprehensive. Most of the comprehensive screens we refer to refer to the screens that are lengthened up and down. The screen ratio is increased by reducing the area of the front panel and the chin of the front panel.


The full screen can only be regarded as the expectation of the screen form by consumers and manufacturers. It is too early to say that the sensor, earpiece, camera hiding scheme and screen assembly technology are not yet mature.


At present, there are roughly three types of full-screen screens on the market: one is the hyperbolic full-screen of the Samsung Galaxy S series/Note series, the other is a special-shaped screen represented by the iPhoneX, and the 18:9 non-alias is widely used, straight screen. It is reported that the 20:9 long screen will be available next year.


But in fact, the lengthening of the screen is not a good thing, although the horizontal screen can bring a wider field of view, but with the currently widely used 6-inch full screen, the vertical viewing angle of the full screen is too large, the experience is not good.


Is the full screen the final form of the phone screen? There is indeed such a trend at present, but it is still necessary to solve the problem of hiding and anti-fading stability of the front panel components.


It is reported that the Samsung S9 is unable to cancel the chin micro-border design because of the drop experiment. Of course, the form of mobile phones is developing in a diversified direction. At this time, we have to talk about folding screen phones.


2. Flexible foldable screen said and so on


Is the full screen the final form of a smartphone? In terms of the status quo and the surrounding technology trends, the screen form of smartphones will indeed be dominated by comprehensive screens in the short term. However, the comprehensive screen is only a visual impact on the overall perception. The actual use is not obvious. The ultimate form of becoming a smartphone is only a little lacking.


Recently, the concept of folding mobile phones has been fired. The mobile phone can be turned on and off like a notebook. When opened, a large screen can be presented to the user. This can be said to be an exploration of the future form.


However, privately, in view of the current user's understanding of the function of the smart phone, this folding form lacks the necessity of existence. In terms of the application function of the mobile phone, the larger screen can bring a larger field of view than watching a movie, and is of little use.


If you want to use it for office, this kind of screen is too small compared to the computer, and even if it is folded, the portability of the phone will be affected. If this form is to be popular, it will have to bring new necessary usage scenarios to the smartphone.


In fact, the flexible folding form has great development prospects in the future. Because flexible folding allows the device to have more forms, the most intuitive is more portable. For example, when the phone is not in use, it can be bent on the arm and pulled down straight without affecting normal use.


However, in the current technology, there is still a need for a solution that cannot solve the flexible bending of batteries, chips, and the like.


3. Facial recognition catching up with the fingerprints has become mainstreams.


Now go to the conference of mainstream mobile phones, manufacturers rarely advertise how safe and fast my phone fingerprint is unlocked, but how fast my face is unlocked. With the arrival of the full screen form, the mature capacitive front fingerprint solution is no longer suitable, and face recognition has become the most convenient way to unlock the creature in this era.


In terms of security, it is natural to count Apple's FaceID face unlock, because FaceID's face recognition is depth-aware compared to other single-shot face unlocks this ensures that the face recognition feature is not spoofed by photos.


In addition, since the reflection is received after the light is emitted, the problem of the light source is solved, so that the unlocking can still be achieved under the dark light.


Other face unlocking is not as safe as FaceID, but the experience is still very good. If you don't use it to pay only to unlock the screen, these face recognition can get faster response than iPhoneX.


Many domestic manufacturers are also following up on the depth of face unlocking, and have come up with a mature unlocking solution, such as the mobile phone accessories point cloud depth camera released by Glory.


At present, the factors restricting its development are mainly the miniaturization of modules. It is reported that domestic manufacturers can launch mobile phones that support this function in the first half of next year.


4. The fingerprint under the screen becomes the only opportunity to identify the fingerprint


iPhoneX's FaceID is theoretically relatively safe, but online iPhoneX is often found to be unlocked by colleagues, children, and twin brothers, and the security is not high. In fact, it is not difficult to understand, after all, facial recognition should take into account the changes in the face, and people with similar faces are not non-existent. In this way, fingerprint recognition is more reliable.


Not long ago, Synaptics confirmed that it will create a screen-finished mobile phone with vivo. It is reported that Synaptics and vivo have already communicated to solve the mass production problem. The mobile phone fingerprint recognition function using SynapticsClearIDFS9500 solution can operate safely and stably on the OLED screen.


In fact, in the past, the fingerprint recognition scheme under the screen of the display area has been available for a long time. For example, the optical fingerprint identification scheme exhibited at the summit of Barcelona MWC2017 at the beginning of the year, and the ultrasonic screen fingerprint recognition scheme exhibited by Qualcomm and vivo in Shanghai MWC2017.


But so far, there are no related products listed. But now it seems that we can experience the phone with the fingerprint under the screen next year.


Whether the fingerprint on the screen will be fired depends on the real experience of the product. If it can be stably and reliably identified, fingerprint recognition can still compete with the face recognition that gradually occupies the trend. After all, fingerprint recognition belongs to contact biometrics, and security. Sex is much more reliable than facial recognition.


5. How far is the dual OIS popularization?


The dual cameras have been basically popularized, and some models are also equipped with dual cameras in the front. However, it is not difficult to find that domestic dual-camera phones rarely support OIS optical image stabilization. Only one of the lenses with a small number of dual cameras supports optical image stabilization, and the dual lens supports OIS optical image stabilization.


OIS optical image stabilization naturally needless to say, good OIS optical image stabilization can provide excellent stability for the picture, and slight jitter during shooting is almost impossible. In addition, due to the presence of OIS, even if the shutter time is long, the picture will not be smeared by hand, which brings about the possibility of improving the picture quality.


In the second half of this year, we finally saw the models that support dual OIS optical image stabilization - Samsung Galaxy Note8 and iPhoneX, which ensured a good shooting experience when working with dual cameras.


However, the problem lies in the fact that the lens module of the dual OIS is large, and many domestic models do not support OIS because of the large size of the optical anti-shake module. It seems that I want to have OIS dual camera for domestic mobile phones, and I can only hope that the module will be miniaturized.


6. Charging has also developed towards diversification


Mobile phone battery technology has been stuck in the bottleneck for a long time, and it is not easy to place 4000mAh on a normal-sized mobile phone. The ever-increasing performance demands and more hardware consumption make it difficult to maintain battery life. Therefore, the charging method has become the focus of development.


At MWC2017, the 55W fast charge exhibited by Meizu can be said to be the ultimate existence. The third-generation fast charging technology SupermCharge adopts 11V/5A new high-voltage direct charging scheme, the charging conversion efficiency reaches 98%, and it can fill a 3000mAh mobile phone in 20 minutes.


At present, it is still difficult to mass-produce, but Meizu has already given a good enough fast charging solution in its Meizu PRO7Plus - mCharge4.0.


mCharge4.0 uses a 5V/5A low voltage and high current fast charging solution with a maximum output power of 25W, the 3500mAh battery can be charged up to 70% in 30 minutes, 90% in 40 minutes and fully charged in 60 minutes. This fast charge performance can be said to be very good.


In this field, Apple, which has always been "steady" in its work style, has to act. In the new generation of products, we have seen fast charging and wireless charging.


Although wireless charging is not high, it is good to use more fragmentation time to charge the phone. I believe that there is Apple the leader there will be more domestic mobile phones to support wireless charging next year.


7. Graphene battery for a lifetime, I am afraid you are not afraid


There have been rumors of new battery technology research and development rumors, but none of them have been followed. Recently, we finally saw hope - a new aluminum-graphene battery developed by a team of the Department of Polymer Science and Engineering of Zhejiang University.


It is reported that in the environment of minus 30 degrees Celsius, this new type of battery can still achieve 1000 times of charge and discharge performance. In an environment of 100 degrees Celsius, it can achieve 45,000 stable cycles.


If a smart phone uses this type of battery, it can be used for nearly 70 years even if it is charged 10 times a day. And it can be charged for 5 seconds, talking for two hours, it can be said that there is a disruptive evolution in the battery. Of course, it will take time to get commercial.


8. The virtual world of AR is not far from us.


The full name of AR is AugmentedReality, which is augmented reality. I believe that people who know about the mobile phone circle will hear about AR. For example, the popular PokemonGo game and the red envelope activity during the Spring Festival are all related to AR. Of course, users who have used Baidu maps must also find that real-world navigation in maps is also an application of AR technology.


In 2017, the heat of AR continues to rise. At WWDC2017, Apple announced a new augmented reality component ARKit in iOS11. This year's new iPhone, we also saw a series of Apple support for AR. At present, there are not many applications of AR, mainly used in games, and in the future, we will see more applications based on AR technology.


9. Artificial intelligence is beginning to see


There are two hottest topics in the mobile phone circle in 2017. One is a full screen and the other is artificial intelligence. Major manufacturers have made efforts in this regard to make mobile phones develop in a more intelligent direction.


The more prominent Huawei Kirin 970 chip, integrated with the neural network unit NPU, its AI computing power has about 25 times performance and 50 times energy efficiency compared to the four Cortex-A73 core. Apple's A11 biochip also uses a neural network engine that not only performs the high-speed operations required by neural networks, but also has excellent energy efficiency.


Neural networks provide the foundation for more intelligent functions. For example, the Kirin 970's NPU can help the mobile phone to identify the shooting scene more accurately and quickly, so that the mobile phone can more accurately process the edge blur, which can significantly improve the rendering speed of the AR scene, and also reduce the power consumption.


Of course, the development of artificial intelligence is not only reflected in the hardware, but also the software system has a relatively mature embodiment. The most notable representative is the learning artificial intelligence platform Samsung Bixby.


The most direct manifestation is that Samsung Bixby is smarter than the previous voice assistant, and the user's command can achieve multi-step operation, accurate and in-depth. At the same time, Bixby can easily switch between voice, visual, touch, text control and other interactive modes, and can also work together.


2017 can be said to be the first year of mobile phone artificial intelligence. From this year, artificial intelligence has made us see what is real. The future smart phone will be more than just a machine it will be more like a life, uutler, to provide you with more comprehensive and more intimate services.


10, 5G network will become an important link for mobile phone connection life


The 5G network has always been a topic of unrelenting heat, and the speed of the network 100 times higher than that of the 4G network naturally has a very high appeal.


At the recent 3GPP TSGRAN plenary meeting, there was a statement that the completion of the first 5G new air interface standard opened the foundation for the global mobile industry to open up the 5G new air interface and support the large-scale trial and commercial deployment of 5G new airspace as early as 2019. .


Maybe you will think that 5G is far away from us, but in fact our demand is gradually moving towards 5G. In the past few years, there was a term called the Internet of Things, and nowadays artificial intelligence, these projects often need a stable and fast network to support.


Cloud computing is not a strange word. In the future artificial intelligence, many scenarios rely on high-intensity computing. These calculations cannot be performed by the terminal. It is necessary to transmit commands to the cloud, and the cloud calculates and outputs the results, and then transmits them to the corresponding Terminal, fast 5G network guarantees timely delivery of data commands. This makes it possible for the mobile phone to become the control end of the entire IoT system.


Written at the end


2017 can be said to be a remarkable year for the advancement of mobile phone technology. Whether it is the shape, the micro-technology on the internal structure, or the intelligent network system related to mobile phones, the earth-shaking changes have taken place.


Although graphene batteries and 5G networks are not commercially available in 2018, next year, we will see a further comprehensive screen form, and we will see more complete hardware matching and a more complete artificial intelligence system. In the far future, mobile phones will not only be a mobile phone.


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