22 Years' Battery Customization

China's lithium battery industry top10

Jul 08, 2019   Pageview:486

Recently, Wu Di, an analyst at the starting point research institute, delivered a keynote speech at the “2017 China Power Lithium Battery Industry Analysis” at a conference. It analyzed the development of 2017 China Power Lithium Battery Industry from the aspects of market, leading layout mode, investment and mergers and acquisitions variety.


Market aspect:


China's lithium battery production scale was further concentrated in the first half of 2017, and the top10 concentration exceeded 80%.


According to the situation in the first half of the year, the market share of Ningde era has further increased, and the market share of Waterma has increased rapidly, and BYD has made steady progress. Market share is divided into the top three.


China's lithium battery segmentation scale: According to statistics, in 2016, China's lithium battery 3C digital category accounted for 52% of total lithium battery production. In the first half of 2017, China's lithium battery 3C digital category accounted for 41% of total output, while power increased from 43% in 16 years to 2017 55% in the first half.


The proportion of energy storage batteries has not changed much, but the total amount has increased. Many manufacturers have layouts. The future growth potential is huge. The future growth of lithium batteries will mainly come from new energy vehicles, energy storage batteries and intelligent equipment for drones.


China's power lithium battery production: According to statistics, in 2016 China's total power battery production was 27.9GWH, according to the positive electrode material, lithium iron phosphate accounted for the highest proportion of 60%, ternary accounted for the second, 34%, lithium manganate and other The ratio is 6%.


2017H1 China's power lithium battery shipments of 16GWh, is expected to reach 42.8Gwh.


The market pattern of power lithium battery changes: In the first half of 2017, the market structure was further concentrated, and the top10 concentration exceeded 80%. According to the situation in the first half of the year, the market share of Ningde era has further increased. In addition, the market share of Waterma has increased rapidly. BYD has achieved steady progress and its market share ranks in the top three.


Summary of views:


1. The power market is greatly affected by the policy. The adjustment period in the first half of the year is basically over, and the market is in the second half of the year.


2. The 3C market is developing steadily, and new electronic products are growing rapidly.


3. The energy storage market began to form, and battery companies began to deploy nationwide.


4, lithium, cobalt and other resources increased by a large margin, battery recycling attention increased


5. The price of lithium batteries has dropped, and the pressure on power battery companies has increased.


6. The lithium battery capital market is still hot, battery companies are investing heavily, and raw materials and equipment companies will mostly be mergers and acquisitions.


7. The new material system is constantly maturing, and the high-nickel ternary system is rapidly emerging.


8. Intelligent manufacturing upgrades, the number of "turnkey" projects in the field of lithium battery equipment increased


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