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The new energy subsidy policy will be adjusted according to the loopholes

Jul 11, 2019   Pageview:1174

A half-year-long nationwide investigation into "fraudulent subsidies" for new energy vehicles has come to an end. On July 6, the new energy vehicle promotion and application inspection report revealed three frauds, but did not release the list of frauds enterprises. On July 27, zotye auto was reported by dealers that "in order to get new energy subsidies, zotye new energy cloud 100 premature car was produced in large quantities". Although zotye quickly responded that "the problem of glass supplier led to the confusion of production date and standard", the suspicion of "cheating" still stirred up the sensitive nerves of the market.

The adjustment of new energy subsidy policy aims at closing loopholes

New energy car 'preterm'

Recently, jiangsu suqian zhongtai dealer posted that as early as April 2015, zhongtai manufacturers promised to help all the owners of "cloud 100" to transfer the vehicle to the owner's name for free. However, the car owner found in the registration process that the production date of this batch of vehicles was December 2014, and the body glass actually came out of the factory from march to May 2015. Because "the production date of spare parts of the vehicle and the production date of the whole vehicle are not in accordance with the logic", the DMV refused to transfer the ownership of the vehicle, resulting in the owner's inability to register. The owner of the car to the dealer to say, and the dealer many times with zotye manufacturers failed to communicate, at a loss what to do after the real-name report zotye car.

A "cheat" hat down, zotye quickly responded. On July 29, the statement said "the whole vehicle glass production date does not accord with the vehicle production date, because the glass suppliers explained: 'when to switch from the date of production, printing equipment personnel error during commissioning date of glass printing equipment, printing process caused by turbulence, resulting in glass production date marking chaos". Therefore, our company does not have the situation that the actual production date of vehicle parts is later than the delivery date of the whole vehicle... "

On the forefront, while the Thai statement cleared, people familiar with the matter said: but there's new energy automotive industry generally requires at least three vehicle factory quality inspection, glass production dates do not tally with the vehicle production date, if it is a piece of two pieces of also excusable, but all the glass in body, the whole batch is, not only is the problem of negligence, or intentionally.

The reporter understands, zotye cloud 100 endurance range is 150km, manufacturer is guided price 158,900 yuan, price after allowance is 68,900 yuan only. It sold 15,467 cars in 2015 and 4,113 in the first half of this year. The date of the glass production was confused, and the manufacturer did not disclose specific information about the number of models involved.

New energy car companies' cheat subsidy 'pattern

Last month, the new energy vehicle promotion and application inspection report was officially released, and the state council issued instructions, calling for "severe punishment" for malicious fraud and illegal subsidies.

Data show that China's central government allocated 28.444 billion yuan in subsidies and awards from 2013 to 2015. From 2013 to 2014, 10.19 billion yuan of purchase subsidy funds were actually distributed, and 17.5 billion yuan of purchase subsidy funds were allocated in advance in 2015. Meanwhile, over 20 billion yuan of local government subsidy funds were allocated in these three years.

High policy subsidies not only become the main source of profits for new energy production enterprises, but also become an important driving force for the promotion of new energy vehicles. The ensuing fraud also surfaced. According to the inspection results, there are three main ways to get subsidy AIDS funds: one is the vehicle did not reach the promotion standard or even production, illegal license plate to cheat subsidies; Second, the vehicles comply with the regulations, but sold to affiliated enterprises rather than end users, and seek subsidies in advance if the subsidy conditions are not met; Third, the vehicles are sold to end users, but a large number of idle after obtaining subsidies, resulting in serious waste of financial funds.

"From January to October 2015, the accumulative sales volume of new energy vehicles reached 174,000, while the corresponding registration volume was only 108,000, a difference of nearly 70,000. It reveals that some auto companies produce cars to get subsidies, but the cars they produce may not be given to consumers at all. Li yuheng, a researcher at the industry chain of new energy vehicles (nevs), an advisor to China investment corp (cic), said fraudulent subsidies by some local companies are not uncommon in the nevs industry.

However, the fraud verification work did not release the list of enterprises suspected of violations. Zotye auto was sued for fraudulent compensation by dealers in this stage of strict investigation, which was undoubtedly a crime against the wind and became the focus of market attention.

Selling cars with a license plate allows a cheat to fill a loophole

So, whether does the vehicle suspect "premature delivery" calculate to cheat subsidy? In response, a senior figure in the new energy vehicle industry pointed out to the information times: "the subsidy for new energy vehicles has been decreasing year by year. In 2015, the subsidy was less than that in 2014. And worse practice, it is the vehicle did not produce, but the violation of the license plate to obtain the license plate to cheat the subsidy.

It is reported that, in order to promote new energy vehicles, reduce the consumer subsidy procedures, many dealers are licensed sales, and this also leaves an opportunity to cheat. "The manufacturer sells the car to affiliated companies or dealers for subsidies, and then slowly sells the car to consumers in the form of renting or selling. Zotye is revealing itself in the process of transferring ownership." Said the industry source, who declined to be named.

The reporter noted that the "premature" zotye new energy vehicles reported this time are all hunan A license plate, and changsha is the new energy production base of zotye cars, so A large number of vehicles on the changsha license plate, and then sold by dealers around the owner for the transfer procedures.

"Some speculative enterprises set up rental companies in private while building cars, and then sell the electric cars they produce to their own rental companies. The source said that the left hand to sell, buy the right hand has become a way to hide.

In fact, in addition to zotye new energy, previously know beans, kangdi and many other low-end new energy vehicles in guangzhou market are licensed sales, whether this move compliance, opinions vary and no conclusion. Dealers also said they were "unaware".

Baic new energy south China regional head believes that the new energy vehicles with subsidies, and ultimately whether the road operation and driving, this is the most critical. "The key to government support is to expand the scale of new energy, but most of the cars" sold "to consumers never reach the hands of consumers, which is also a disguised form of subsidy fraud."

The drop in new subsidies points to loopholes

While the "cheat subsidy" investigation is going on, the adjustment of the new energy subsidy policy is also in full swing. "The new subsidy policy of guangzhou this year has not yet come out, and it should also be related to the inspection of fraudulent subsidies." Some new energy vehicle manufacturers revealed that the person in charge.

Reporters learned that in order to prevent "fraudulent subsidies", in addition to the new energy vehicle industry will establish a blacklist of dishonest enterprises system, improve the threshold of entry, there will be a new mode of subsidies. It is reported that at present, Shanghai new energy subsidy slope mechanism has been launched, byd's plug-in hybrid car qin and tang cumulative sales in Shanghai has been close to 40,000 units of slope boundary, become the first brand affected by the start of the subsidy slope mechanism. According to the "Shanghai new energy vehicle promotion and application subsidy standard (2016-2017)" issued in April this year, a single new energy vehicle manufacturer's cumulative sales volume in Shanghai has reached 40,000, and the local subsidy in Shanghai has been halved to over 60,000, and the local subsidy will be cancelled.

At present, byd brand sales in Shanghai are only one step away from 40,000. The cumulative sales volume of saic's roewe new energy vehicles has also exceeded 20,000. According to its current sales volume and growth rate, saic will reach 40,000 vehicles by the end of June next year. In addition, subsidies for plug-in hybrid vehicles were slashed from 30,000 yuan per vehicle in 2015 to 10,000 yuan per vehicle.

Many insiders believe that this year's new energy vehicle market has been transformed from a pure "policy city" to a policy and market dual traction environment. Undeniably, from the "cheat subsidy" inspection at the beginning of the year, to the suspension of the use of ternary material power batteries, to the subsidy index discussion, and finally to the power battery catalog and new energy vehicle promotion catalog linked, the introduction of each policy, more or less changed the existing industrial pattern. "The policy adjustment is to squeeze out the bubble and put new energy vehicles back on the track of healthy development." Beijing auto new energy said the above people.

The page contains the contents of the machine translation.


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