22 Years' Battery Customization

Building "the capital of Chinese energy storage materials" in Hunan province

Sep 02, 2019   Pageview:716

On November 23, 2016, the 4th China (Hunan Ningxiang) Lithium-Ion New Energy Industry International Summit Forum (ABEC2016, Lithium Power “Davos”) was grandly opened in Hunan Ningxiang High-tech Zone. The reporter learned from the meeting that as the high-tech industrialization base of the new energy-saving and environmental protection materials of Changsha (the Ministry of Science and Technology) and the national new industrialized battery material industry demonstration base (the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology), Ningxiang High-tech Zone will give full play to the advantages of these two national bases. Lithium-ion materials are the breakthrough point, and the cohesive force realizes “single-point breakout”, forming a green recycling industrial chain of “Non-ferrous metal resources—lithium battery materials—lithium battery cell manufacturing and assembly—lithium battery application—lithium battery recycling—recycling materials recycling” To create "the capital of China's energy storage materials."


Core industries agglomeration


Ningxiang High-tech Zone is located in Changsha, a key node city of the "Belt and Road", Hunan Xiangjiang New District, the first state-level new district in the central and western regions, and the core area for the development of a new growth pole, Changzhutan National Autonomous Innovation Demonstration Zone. One of the three major battlefields for the development of new materials industry in Changsha.


At present, Ningxiang High-tech Zone has gathered a number of leading companies such as Shanshan New Energy, Woterma New Energy, Bangpu Circular Technology, Xingcheng Graphite, Lithium-Shun New Energy, Xuneng New Energy, and Dahua New Energy. Lithium cobalt acid, lithium manganese acid, nickel cobalt manganese hydroxide, cobalt chloride, cobalt tetroxide, lithium iron phosphate, graphite, power cells and other products are at the international leading level. Among them, Sequoia New Energy is the world's first professional manufacturer of lithium-ion battery cathode materials. Its product market share has reached more than 28 % in the domestic market, 13 % in the global market share, and 100,000 tons of production capacity in 2020. The output value is 15 billion yuan;


Bangpu Recycling Technology is the country's largest recycling demonstration base for waste battery resources and waste battery resources and cleaner production model factories. It is also one of the largest former body suppliers of battery materials in the country, with a domestic market share of more than 45 %, and has obtained automotive(including new energy vehicles) recycling qualifications. Recovery and treatment scale and recycling capacity rank first in Asia.


Woterma is one of the first batch of companies in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to regulate the automotive power battery industry. Its products cover 31 provinces and cities in China, and are exported to more than 40 countries and regions on six continents. The domestic market ranks among the top three, and the battery supply ranks second in the country;


Xingcheng Graphite is the top three leading graphite negative materials in the country. Shenzhen Innovation Investment Group and Beijing Dangsheng Technology are the company's main strategic investors. The products are sold to South Korea GS and ATL.


Science and technology talent support guide


Ningxiang High-tech Zone closely cooperates with Tsinghua University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Defense University of Science and Technology, Zhongnan University, Hunan University, Xiamen University, Xiangtan University and other universities and scientific research institutes to gather a group of high-level electrochemical energy storage technologies and new materials. Technology and application of science and technology personnel, Has more than 100 academicians, professors, senior engineers, doctors, masters and other technical backbone.


Policy System Construction


Ningxiang High-tech Zone is a superimposed area of provincial, municipal, county, and Hunan Xiangjiang New District policies. Entry projects enjoy the "zero-discount policy" of zero-rent rental factory buildings, package entry, zero-cost listing, and zero-cost submission for construction, as well as high-tech micro-projects and major industrial projects with core technologies. We will enjoy comprehensive subsidies such as public testing services, scientific and technological innovation, electricity use, and equipment input. Three funds have been established, with a scale of more than 4 billion yuan, to provide venture capital, equity investment and project cooperation support for enterprises.


During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, Ningxiang High-tech Zone will focus on the creation of a national high-tech zone and build a regional R&D and exhibition center to promote “One Park One Center” and China (Jinzhou) energy storage Valley. The construction of Changsha 2049” three platforms will further strengthen the three major chains of the industrial chain, innovation chain and capital chain of the park, improve the comprehensive support system of the park, and comprehensively enhance the industrial strength, supporting strength, environmental strength, scientific and technological strength and financial strength of the park, and strive to be successfully approved. State-level high-tech zones will basically form industrial clusters with distinct characteristics of new materials industry, advanced equipment manufacturing, and optoelectronic information industry by 2020, and build a state-owned listed company to achieve a total industrial output value of 100 billion yuan and 200 fixed assets investment. More than 100 million yuan, realize fiscal and tax revenue of 5 billion yuan, and build the park into a smart Bay area with strong independent innovation capability, high resource utilization efficiency, reasonable industrial structure, deep integration of two industries and wide international coverage.


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