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Rapid Commercialization of Hydrogen Fuel Cells to Challenge Lithium Batteries

Sep 07, 2019   Pageview:792

Although the current power lithium batteries occupy the mainstream position of new energy vehicle power source, it can not be ignored that the rapid commercialization of hydrogen fuel cells has already challenged the power lithium batteries.


According to data, hydrogen fuel cells were first successfully applied to the Apollo spacecraft. After the 1970s, hydrogen fuel cells were used for power generation and cars. In terms of regional development, European vehicle companies are later in the layout of fuel cells than car companies in the Americas and Asia. The fuel cell industry in the United States has developed rapidly in the field of engineering machinery. Japan and South Korea continue to invest in research and development in the field of fuel cell passenger vehicles and are relatively advanced.


With the support of the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" and the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" national 863 project, China began to implement the project. It started around 2001, when it developed a large-scale medium-sized and miniature fuel cell engine system.


While FCV technology is still in the stage of precipitation and accumulation, pure electric vehicles have developed in full swing. Compared with the rapid large-scale application of power lithium batteries, the development of the FCV industry is much slower. However, in recent years, the listing of Mirai and Clarity represents the beginning of sales to the private passenger car sector, indicating that fuel cells have officially entered the commercialization phase.


“The development route plan for China's new energy vehicles was proposed in 2012. It has grown to one million units in just a few years. The fuel cell industry development route and related planning are later than the pure electric policy, but the same will be driven by subsidies. The process of industry development, related subsidies and policies have just begun.” Xiong Yun believes that the future development of China's fuel cells is huge.


According to the Blue Book on the Development of China's Hydrogen Energy Industry Infrastructure, China will have 10,000 fuel cell vehicles in 2020, 100,000 in 2025 and 2 million in 2030.


With the increasing number of new energy vehicles in the world, the biggest bottleneck in the development of fuel cell vehicles is the supply of hydrogen and how to improve the efficiency of storage and transportation. In addition, the mainstream of foreign countries is high-pressure reactors, which are mainly used as the main driving force of fuel cell vehicles.


Due to the limitations of technology in China, the current mainstream of electric reactors is mainly used as the extended range model of fuel cell vehicles. In the future, the reliability of electric reactors needs to be further improved.


However, Xiong Yun believes that under the promotion of national policies, domestic fuel cells will overcome a series of difficulties and move towards a rapid growth period. Wuhan Hydrogen Master Company Xiongtao Co., Ltd. (002733) regards hydrogen fuel cell as the main development direction of the future, and participates in Hydrogen Energy Creation and invests RMB11.5 billion to build Wuhan Hydrogen Energy Industrial Park. At present, the hydrogen energy industry chain has formed the card position layout of key links such as hydrogen production, membrane electrode, fuel cell stack, fuel cell engine system and vehicle operation.


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