22 Years' Battery Customization

Lithium-iron phosphate battery charging method

Sep 05, 2019   Pageview:1074

Batteries have long been widely used in our lives. I believe none of the people here have ever seen batteries. Batteries have a high status in all aspects of life. Whether it is mobile phones, computer flashlights or remote controls, there are batteries inside. Batteries have penetrated into every aspect of our lives. Now the form of batteries is not only limited to ordinary batteries, but more and more kinds of batteries are also widely used in our lives. Let small editor below introduce the performance of lithium iron phosphate batteries and charging methods!


Lithium iron phosphate battery charging method


Lithium iron phosphate battery charging method


Lithium rechargeable batteries have been widely used. Lithium iron phosphate batteries have their own unique advantages and have been used more. The charger of lithium iron phosphate batteries is different from ordinary lithium batteries. The maximum termination voltage of lithium batteries is 4.2 volts; The lithium iron phosphate battery is 3.65 volts(some online, the maximum can not be higher than 3.8 volts). The question is: Can the charger of the mobile phone(slightly modified) be used for the charging of lithium iron phosphate batteries? Or use scrap lithium batteries to protect circuit boards(slightly modified) for charging protection of lithium iron phosphate batteries.


The series battery current is the same, then when charging, the low capacity will be filled first, but the overall voltage has not yet reached the charging cut-off voltage. Continuing charging will overcharge, discharge will be the same, and the number of cycles will be damaged. Therefore, the series battery always has a worst. The protective plate is not a single charge, but protection. If it is not balanced, it is the worst full protection. The actual whole is not filled. Even if it is balanced, It is also a false equilibrium, through bypass resistance, Fill the battery bypass, continue to fill other cells, to achieve the overall full effect, because the bypass resistance is limited, generally 100 mAh is very large, in fact, for the entire battery pack. In fact, the balance of series cells can be said to be a world problem., The low cost of large current equilibrium, and the larger the number of series, the more difficult the equilibrium. In fact, because the series battery overcharge is not controlled, and the lithium overcharge is damaged very quickly, there are safety issues, the development of iron phosphate Lithium, Lithium iron phosphate has low capacity and low energy. It is not as good as lithium in all aspects.


The cable is the detection line of the protection plate does not require thick wire, the red and black wire is the wire, and the passing current needs thick wire. The protection plate is to detect the voltage of each single core, and not only protects each single unit but also discharges, but also protects. Charging, Otherwise, it can not be discharged or charged through the protective plate, playing a protective role.


When charging, it is a balanced charging board connecting the wiring. Generally, the charging voltage of the charger is greater than the battery voltage from both ends. The wiring detects the voltage of each single core, which is equivalent to parallel stabilizers., The single charging voltage will not exceed the stabilizer value, The other monomer cells continue to charge through the stabilizer bypass. Because the power of each monomer is close to full at this time, it is only balancing each monomer, so the charging current is small, and the filling of each core is supplemented. Charger can only protect the entire battery end voltage, The balance charging board is to ensure that each monomer is charged and each monomer is filled.


Lithium iron phosphate battery charging method


1, some mobile phone chargers themselves are protected, when the lithium battery voltage was detected to reach 4.2 volts, Stop charging. My idea is to connect a slightly larger Silicon diode between the lithium iron phosphate battery and the charger(the forward pressure is reduced to about 0.6 volts) so that when charging, when the lithium iron phosphate battery voltage reaches 3.6 volts, Plus the diode pressure drop is just 4.2 V, can also be detected by the charger, stop charging.


2, mobile phone battery protection line, removed, used in the lithium iron phosphate battery charging protection, is also based on the above principle in the charging of a diode series, played a 4.2 Volt protection.


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