Jul 01, 2019 Pageview:1610
Lithium-ion batteries are well known for their use in the portable electronics industry. Typically, they are in every smart electronic you can think of these days.
These batteries are widely preferred to the other battery options due to their extensive applications and use. As compared to other batteries, the lithium-ion batteries still carry a better advantage.
Advantages Of Using Lithium-ion Batteries
· The energy density is twice that of standard nickel-cadmium.
· The load characteristics are good. It typically behaves like the nickel-cadmium battery on discharge.
· Lithium-ion batteries are usually low maintenance batteries. You do not need to maintain it like the others
· Self-discharge is less than half compared to nickel-cadmium. This makes it even more applicable for modern energy charge and discharge source gauge.
How To Choose The Best Lithium Battery
Deciding on which lithium battery is best suited for you is important. There are different advantages you get when you take time out to check which battery is what and all it offers. Here are top tips to consider when choosing the best lithium battery
· Size Of The Required Battery
The size of the kind of battery you settle for matters a lot. It is quite important you check for the size of the required battery when choosing which lithium battery to go for. Most times, you can just look up the indication on the device for the size specifications or read the device's manual.
· Decide Between Rechargeable Or Single-Use Battery
Most times, people tend to go for rechargeable batteries. Single-use batteries, however, are cheaper and have an excellent shelf life. On the flipside, the rechargeable batteries can be used over and over again. This ultimately makes them a cost-effective battery to go for.
For whichever electronic device you choose to settle for, the option for which cell to go for in terms of battery type is usually worth considering.
· Charge Rate
Another important thing to look out for is the charge rate of these lithium batteries. When purchasing a new lithium battery, it is important to check out the CDR rating to check its discharge rating offerings.
Typically, Lithium-ion batteries are usually charged full within an hour. This important feature won't matter if the discharge rate is high. As a plus to most Lithium batteries, the discharge rate is usually low. In your own best interest, you would want to find a lithium battery that can discharge without damaging the battery itself.
· Weight
The weight of the lithium-ion batteries is one of its selling points. Due to the high demand and its uses, the technological advancements are making sure the weight of these batteries are reducing.
One of the things to always consider is the weight of your battery. Comparing the weight of the battery and the rating is always in your best interest. Choosing the right weighted lithium battery will save you from carrying unnecessary weights.
Characteristics Of The Best lithium batteries
When choosing lithium batteries, the best of them most times, usually have almost all the characteristics as detailed below
· Better Discharge Ratings
As compared to lead-acid batteries, the discharge ratings on the lithium-ion batteries are considerably lower. Due to this singular reason, the storage capacity of this battery is constant. The lithium-ion battery can be discharged up to 80% for longer energy discharge capacity.
· Faster Charge And Discharge Speed
The best lithium-ion batteries can charge and discharge at a faster speed. This high rate of charge and discharge speed is done at high amp rating without damaging the battery itself. It is one of the main reasons why the lithium-ion battery is well preferred as compared to the other batteries. The lithium-ion battery can handle high charge up to 100% due to its constant charge capabilities.
· Lighter
This distinct characteristic has made the lithium-ion battery the top choice to go for when choosing battery cells to go for. Lithium batteries are much lighter as compared to other batteries offering the same rating as the lithium-ion batteries. This also makes it possible to add more lithium-ion batteries to increase their power ratings while worrying less about the additional weight.
· Longer Lifespan
The typical lithium battery is rated at about 2000+ cycles. This is about five times more rating than most battery lifespan. The lifespan of batteries is usually dependent on the size of the battery.
To the advantage of lithium-ion batteries, they have a smaller size, and their discharge rate is relatively low. Hence, they have a longer lifespan compared to the other batteries.
· Less Maintenance
The lithium-ion battery requires less maintenance as compared to the other batteries. They do not have electrodes that are to be periodically checked like the lead-acid battery for corrosiveness on the terminals. The periodical checks are completely cut off due to the advancements in the battery's internal design.
What Should I Need To Do When I Buy A Fake Lithium Battery?
The number of fake products in the market today is increasing. Extra care has to be given while selecting which battery you use for your device.
Buying a fake product can lead to the damage of your device and other properties. Hence, when you discover to have bought a fake lithium battery product, here are some of the things advised
· Return Immediately
This is better than incurring injury or loss from using this fake product. If there is no return policy on the product, it is better to change it as soon as possible to the original product.
· Dispose Of It Properly
Properly disposing of the fake lithium-ion battery is very important. There could be unseen hazards associated with the battery. Thus, it is better to get rid of them from your surroundings as soon as possible.
In Conclusion
To get the most from your batteries, try as much as possible to keep your device as warm as you can. Most batteries tend to fail when introduced to low temperature.
Also, try as much as possible not to charge different batteries with different capacities together. Using batteries of different ages and brands together is also not an advisable practice.
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