Sep 24, 2020 Pageview:803
While batteries have indulged in our life to an extent where we cannot live without them, it is very important to care for the condition for the battery. This is the point where several tests can be implied on a battery.
This will only not be very helpful in learning about battery health, but it will also keep you aware of the situation where your battery will be going towards being dead. This part will be very helpful in staying safe from a situation where your battery is unable to provide power.
Especially for the car owners, the tests that we will tell you and their importance will tell you how well it will be for being safe from a dead car battery.
For the battery producers, they must test each batch of their batteries. This is because this will tell where their battery stands for providing a reliable power backup solution to the users. Here we will discuss all about the tests that are implemented on a battery before the batch of the batteries is dispatched from the production unit.
When a batch of batteries is being produced, different companies use different testing methods to make sure that the battery is not only safe for use, but it is reliable as well. To conduct these tests, not each battery is individually tested for all the tests.
The most commonly used technique here is that different batteries from one production batch are taken and they are tested.
The result of tests conducted on them tells about the batteries produced. Although different companies can call these tested batteries with different names, however, the battery that has to undergo the series of tests can also be called the battery of tests.
Here we will discuss some different types of tests that are conducted on different batteries.
Special tests.
The special tests are those which are conducted only on some batteries. These tests can be used to put the batteries under the most unexpected conditions like puncturing a battery.
Common tests.
The common tests are conducted on all of the batteries. These tests do not require a lot of special equipment. The most common type of these tests is the charging and discharging tests. Other than that, temperature tests are also preferably conducted on almost all batteries.
As the battery health is very important, different tests are conducted on the batteries. Apart from the chemical tests that tell about the internals of the battery, the external tests or the physical fitness tests are also very important.
These tests not only tell you about the structure of the battery but also explain a lot of things that are going wrong inside the battery. Here we will discuss some of the physical fitness tests for batteries.
The Size Of The Battery
The size of the battery tells if the battery is not being used normally. This is because the batteries are not designed to change their structure. But when they are not used normally, they tend to change their shape. This is not only because of using the battery abnormally, but it also is the cause of aging of the battery.
For most types of batteries, it is common to see the batteries getting swollen. If the size of your battery is measured to be different from the size of the battery when it was new, then it is a sign that your battery is not in good health.
The Battery Leakage
This test tells you if the battery is properly sealed or not. In most of the batteries, there is an electrolyte. If the battery is sealed the electrolyte will not be able to come out of the battery. Whereas if the electrolyte comes out of the battery, this means that the battery is leaking. Leakage of electrolyte can cause the battery to lose its health.
For a battery, it is very important to conduct a series of tests. But how many of them will be helpful you. This is the real question here because some of the tests are only beneficial on the production level. So, here we will discuss some of the most common types of tests to conduct on a battery that are also very important to tell about the health of the battery.
The Voltage Test
The voltage test is one of the easiest tests you can conduct on a battery. This is because it only requires having a voltage meter and the test will not require a lot of time. However, this simple test can tell a lot about the battery. Some things that can be identified using this test are listed below.
Overcharging of the battery.
Battery health.
If the battery is good or it needs to be replaced.
Charging And Discharging Test
The charging and discharging tests can be conducted where you fully charge and discharge the battery for once and note the time. This can then be compared with the rated times for the battery.
The difference in those times can be used as instances to decide the condition of the battery. A fault battery will have a very short charge and discharge times. Sometimes a faulty battery can never be charged.
Battery Stats Monitoring
This simple test can be conducted by using a special machine that holds a different series of tests on your battery just by connecting it to the terminals of the battery.
A battery test can be anything that you do to check the health of the battery. It can be anything from checking the acid level of the acid batteries to using different tools for checking the battery. However, each of them has its significant importance. So, here we discussed the importance of different tests in the life of a battery and how you can conduct them.
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