23 Years' Battery Customization

Battery Powered exit Signs-Introduction, Testing And Discussion

Sep 24, 2020   Pageview:750

In every building, some ways are dedicated exits mostly for emergencies. There can be a case where most of the people are unaware of the locations of these exits and there comes an emergency. In this case, some of the people who are well aware of these exits might forget about them because, in emergencies, it is very difficult to keep calm.

This is why exit signs are used. But one problem that is again faced is that in emergencies, most of the time the electricity is not available. This is because any unexpected situation like a fire or unexpected weather can cause the electricity to go off. This is the time when it gets very important to get everyone out of the buildings.

That is why battery-powered exit signs are used. Here we will discuss all the important and interesting facts about these battery-powered exit signs.

What is a battery-powered exit sign?

The exit signs have been under a lot of evolution. This is because they started from a simple metal plate with the word exit painted on it. Afterward, the words were being printed with reflective materials. But this was still not the solution. Then someone came up with the idea to illuminate them.

This used the standard electricity, but those sighs were again a failure of the electricity was unavailable. So, the best solution to this problem is to use a battery-backed exit sign that can provide a specific time of power without having any electrical connection.

3.2V 20Ah Low Temperature Square LiFePO4 Battery Cell
3.2V 20A Low Temp LiFePO4 Battery Cell -40℃ 3C discharge capacity≥70% Charging temperature:-20~45℃ Discharging temperature: -40~+55℃ pass acupuncture test -40℃ maximum discharge rate:3C

How are these signs made?

The method of making these signs is very simple. This is because the whole construction remains the same. The only different thing is that there is a circuit that keeps track of charging the battery and there is a battery that is connected to the light of the sign through this circuit.

Whenever the main electricity goes down, this circuit switches the power to the lights from main to battery. This provides an uninterrupted supply of power from the battery to the lights of the exit sign.


Can these signs work without electricity?

The answer to this question depends on how you use the sign, if you are not connecting any external power source, then this sign will stay illuminated for the time when the battery can provide power.

Then it will go off. In the other case, if you connect the sign to any external power source like the main electricity, the battery inside will be kept charged. In this case, the battery power will only be used when the main electricity is unavailable.

How do you test an exit sign battery?

While it is very important to install these signs in buildings where people can feel it difficult to go out in emergencies. It is also very important to keep track of whether the battery is working or not. If you are looking for the methods to test the battery of the exit sign, then you are at the right place.

This is because here we will not only discuss different tests, but we will also discuss how each of them will be beneficial for you.

Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery 11.1V 7800mAh
Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery Battery specification: 11.1V 7800mAh -40℃ 0.2C discharge capacity ≥80% Dustproof, resistance to dropping, anti - corrosion, anti - electromagnetic interference

Is the battery able to provide power?

The first thing that you will need to test is if the battery of this exit sign is able to provide power to the lights of the sign. For doing this test, you will have to first find the “push to test” button. This will most probably be located on any side of the sign or at the back.

When you push and hold this button for 30seconds you will be able to test the bulbs and the battery of the exit sign that is powered by the battery.

What will be the backup time of the battery?

This is another very important thing that you can do to check the performance of the battery. For this, you need to make sure that the sign has the battery fully charged. Once the battery is changed, you can turn on the sign on battery power and record the time for which the battery can provide power.

Comparing it with the rated time will give you an idea about your battery health.

Precaution: You must replace the sign with another good working sign before you try this test on any sign.

Do exit signs have to have battery backup?

Yes, the main purpose of having a battery is that when you are in an emergency, the electricity will be most probably unavailable. In this case, the signs will not illuminate. So, if you have the battery-powered signs, it will be very helpful for the people to get out of the building with the help of these signs.

Some benefits of having battery-powered exit signs.

Here we have some of the benefits of using the battery-powered exit signs.

  • Enough time for people to get out of the building in case of an emergency.

Most of the battery-powered exit signs have a time rating of about 90 minutes. This can be considered to be more than enough to get out of the building in case of any emergency. This is because even if the person is unable to get out of the building and some special forces have to come, these signs will be very helpful in guiding the person with the right path.

  • These signs will be able to work in regular maintenance.

The best part is then when you are having regular maintenance of the building, sometimes electricity if needed to be turned down for some time. These signs can still provide power in those times. This makes them extremely productive.

  • Less power consumption.

If we think on a large scale, one huge building will need a lot of exit signs. Using the ones which are illuminated using older technologies will add up a lot on the electricity consumption. As these signs are running on a battery, they will also take a very less amount of power from the main supply. This makes them very efficient in cutting the costs on electricity bills.


Exit signs are necessary for every building because of its applications. However, the older ones can fail in emergencies. Here we discussed how the battery-powered exit signs are better and why they are very important for every building.


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