May 20, 2020 Pageview:2077
It is important to comprehend the prudence of the battery backup time calculator. For an individual to buy an inverter battery, the total electric consumption of the household must be gauged to undertake an informed decision. Not to mention that batteries are a long term investment, and therefore, thorough research is required to understand the peculiarities and nuances of the buying process.
Why do you need to know battery backup time?
All kinds of batteries have a critical role to play, whether it is your phone battery or inverter battery. Purchasing a battery is a long term investment. A seller may withhold information as petty as battery backup time. However, this piece of information proves to be the most significant when it comes to battery shopping. Therefore, consumers must understand the essentiality of the situation.
They need to nurture the systemic behavior of self-reliance and escalate their awareness on matters which can impact their protracted investments immensely.
Almost every buyer would question his seller about the period of battery backup. However, the information is either withheld by the sellers or cast into a lucrative selling response. Nonetheless, we cannot blame them for doing their job, which is to mint more money out of the buyers.
Benefits of calculating battery backup time hours include
The optimum value for money
Seamless functioning of the appliances
More backup hours than ordinary batteries
Backup hours for prolonged periods for numerous appliances
Safeguarding your household from short-circuiting and overloading
Preventing periodic inverter breakdowns due to the inadequacy of the battery capacity
Ideal energy flow throughout the household
There are myriad calculating methods; however, we have furnished only the best and the easiest for you. You can seek the aid of an online backup time calculator for precise results.
How do you calculate battery backup time hours?
The formula for the calculation of battery backup time hours is not a prodigal person’s task. A simple formula, comprehensive for every consumer, is available to secure a reliable purchase. You might not entirely be able to assess the exact energy consumption of your household. However, a rough estimation would do the trick.
Then again, a few points to brush up your physics just before you swim on the deeper end of the pool. Watts is the fundamental unit of power, while watts-hours measure the units of energy stored. Amp-hours measure a battery’s capacity, which can also be expressed as milliamp-hours (for smaller batteries).
Furthermore, to customize battery shopping for you, formulas have been provided below to self-estimate the backup time hours for batteries. The formula to calculate battery backup time for an inverter battery is
Battery volt*battery’s AH rating/ Total watts on load
This is the general rule of thumb. You can find other incomprehensible formulas on the internet tied to further assumptions which need to be accounted for. Therefore, for a better understanding of the working of formula, a hypothetical example has been furnished.
If a person’s daily energy consumption entails the use of a fan, a tube light and two CFLs running on a 150 AH battery, his battery backup time can be calculated as follows
Amount of watts consumed by a ceiling fan = 75 watts
Amount of watts consumed by a tube light = 40 watts
Amount of watts consumed by 2 CFLs = 2*15 = 30 watts
Total amount of energy consumption for the household = 75 + 40 + 30 = 145 watts
Battery backup time for a 150 AH battery = 12*15/ 150 = 12.41 watt-hours (approximately)
You must understand that the aforementioned energy consumption can be tweaked, provided if the fan ran at a slower speed. Moreover, the result is an approximate value as there might be some loss of energy upon the conversion of a 12-volt battery into 220 volts through the inverter.
There are backup time calculators available online to assist consumers with the process. Alternative formulas can be applied for more accurate results. The battery backup time in hours can also be calculated using the following formula.
Time = Battery AH*12V*N*efficiency of battery/ Total watts on load
Where AH represents ampere-hour capacity of the battery, N represents the number of 12V batteries required while the efficiency of the battery is assumed to be 0.8
The formula is similar to the one mentioned earlier. However, the efficiency of the battery is an aspect which needs to be considered when battery backup time is being estimated. Regardless of the formula, assume an error in your calculation for better and more accurate results.
Do you use battery backup time calculator?
If you haven’t considered the possibility of being lied to while a sale is made, then you might be a gullible person on this planet. Buyers need to be active in exercising their right to choose. While purchasing a battery or designing equipment, the usage of a battery backup time calculator is essential to gauge the capacity of the product.
An informed decision will multiply your investment’s longevity by manifold. A battery backup time calculator is prudent when it comes to battery shopping because not always are we presented with straight facts. Extensive research and calculations are necessary for uninterrupted service. Furthermore, with adequate backup time hours, the appliances can function effectively and seamlessly.
A good investment in the battery will never fail you in the long term, provided if you have undertaken the necessary calculations and made the right decision. Who fathomed that buying batteries would require such due diligence?
Ending up with the wrong battery, entailing an inadequate backup time, is worse as this investment is going to dawn that realization upon you every day. Not to mention, you will be putting your appliances in harm’s way. Therefore, if you have not made use of a battery backup time calculator until now, make use of one today!
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