22 Years' Battery Customization

Are AGM Batteries Deep Cycle – Gel Batteries and Cost

Nov 17, 2021   Pageview:502

Since the very first battery was invented the battery technology has seen a lot of improvements. Lead-acid batteries have been leading the battery world for a long time but now things are changing. With newer and more efficient batteries being made for different vehicles and other purposes the applications are increasing while the problems are decreasing.

3.2V 20Ah Low Temperature Square LiFePO4 Battery Cell
3.2V 20A Low Temp LiFePO4 Battery Cell -40℃ 3C discharge capacity≥70% Charging temperature:-20~45℃ Discharging temperature: -40~+55℃ pass acupuncture test -40℃ maximum discharge rate:3C

An amazing example of this phenomenon is the production of deep-cycle batteries for vehicles. Unlike the traditional batteries, these are made differently, and their applications are far better than the traditional battery.

With all of these benefits comes a great cost so people ask whether these batteries are efficient or not. So, here we will be discussing all that you need to know about these batteries.

Are deep cycle batteries AGM or GEL?

The terms deep cycle batteries, AGM batteries, and Gel batteries are new for most people, so it creates a lot of confusion among people. Knowing a little about each of these terms can make all the confusion go away. So, here are the details about each of them.

What are the Deep Cycle batteries?

The traditional batteries that most people use are not efficient at all. They do not discharge up to their fullest potential and their reliability is not good as well. On the other hand, deep cycle batteries are made according to a new technology that lets these batteries provide power for a long time because they can safely discharge more.

These batteries can discharge up to 80% or more of their real capacity which makes them very applicable.

What are the AGM batteries?

AGM batteries are batteries made with Absorbent Glass Mat which makes the batteries very reliable. These batteries are completely sealed as there is no need to refill the liquids inside these batteries.

On top of everything, these batteries are better as compared to their ancestor the lead-acid battery as they are resistant to high-temperature conditions as well as vibrations and other issues.

Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery 11.1V 7800mAh
Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery Battery specification: 11.1V 7800mAh -40℃ 0.2C discharge capacity ≥80% Dustproof, resistance to dropping, anti - corrosion, anti - electromagnetic interference

What are the Gel batteries?

These batteries also work with the help of acid but the acid in these batteries is thickened using silica or some other gel. As a result, the batteries perform exceptionally well. These are the deep cycle batteries that are pretty resistant to most of the things, but they are not very resistant to the higher temperatures making them less applicable as compared to AGM batteries but more than Lead-acid batteries.

Are Marine deep cycle batteries AGM?

Marine batteries are usually the batteries that have to perform differently as compared to the other batteries. While the lead-acid batteries can leak but are kept straight in vehicles, the marine batteries cannot leak so these batteries need to be completely sealed.

Moreover, there could be higher risks of batteries dying so deep cycle batteries are needed. Due to all of these needs, marine batteries are AGM batteries because they come with a lot of benefits.

Why are marine batteries AGM?

There are several reasons behind it but here we are only going to discuss the best of the best reasons.

Less Risk of the Battery Dying

The first one is that these batteries have less risk of dying. While the ordinary batteries can stop performing when they are somewhat 60% discharged the AGM batteries can provide more power for a longer time. These batteries can last up to 80% or more making them a perfect choice for places where no power source is available to charge the dead battery.

Performance Reliability in Colder Temperatures

Marine vehicles usually have to be under high-temperature conditions. Most of the time the temperature is cool and on hotter days the temperature is higher than usual. All of it is because of the air currents. However, The AGM batteries are made to withstand the temperature conditions and they perform very well in colder temperatures making a perfect choice for marine vehicles.


Are AGM deep cycle batteries worth the money?

Most of the time people are impressed by the features that AGM batteries bring but what keeps them from buying these amazing batteries is the sky-high price tag. While some skip the idea of buying these batteries, some think if these batteries are worth the money or not. Well, if you are also one of the asking ones then we have the answer to all your questions.

Are AGM deep cycle batteries worth the money?

One word, Yes! These batteries are worth the money because the features they bring are not present in any other battery type. However, if you are thinking that your old battery type is working just fine then you need to rethink.

In either case, there is one thing that you need to consider and that is your usage and requirements. If your battery usage is average and the conditions are battery friendly, then you must stick to the older type unless the process for the latest technology drops.

What makes the AGM batteries worth the price?

There are a lot of things making this battery the best choice for most people. However, the following things make them a lot more valuable for everyone.

1.Best for People Who Travel a Lot

If you are a traveler, then you might know how painful it is to pack a car for a few months and when you come back the car is not starting. Well, it is not the case with the AGM deep cycle batteries. You park the car in the fall season and come back in spring and the battery will still be as good as new.

2.Reasonable Lifespan

The expected life span of these batteries is reasonable. These batteries can last for up to 4 years which is pretty much similar to how long the traditional lead-acid batteries last.


Whether you need to adapt to the latest technology deep cycle battery or not? It depends on your usage. So, if you feel that upgrading is necessary then you must as the benefits are going to be unbelievable.


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