22 Years' Battery Customization

Amps in a Car Battery – Introduction and Testing

Nov 17, 2021   Pageview:821

Every vehicle with a combustion engine needs a battery for starting the car. Although in odder days the engines were started by other means things are pretty different now.

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Apart from helping to start the engine of the car, the battery serves for other purposes like powering the locking system of the car, keeping the computer of the car up and running, and providing power to the audio system. For each of these things to work as intended, the battery needs to be in good health.

The health of a battery is determined by its tendency to provide power which contains things like voltage and current. While most people do not know how to measure these things and what these are, here we will provide all the details that you need to know in this regard.

Amps in a 12V Car Battery

So, most of the cars have a battery in them that provides 12 volts as the base voltage. No matter the size of the battery the voltage rating is the same. However, one different thing is the current and capacity of the battery.

One of these is denoted by amps. Every different size of car battery has different amps. Before jumping right into how many amps are there in a car battery you must know what amps stand for. Amps are the unit of the strength of the current.

Every battery puts out some electrons and this flow of electrons is known as the current. How fast these electrons flow is known as amps, and it is the unit of measuring current in a battery or any other power source.

Why does the capacity of the battery matter whenever we are discussing the amps?

An amazing thing about the batteries is that their capacity is measured in amp-hours. it means the amps that a battery can put out in an hour. So, it is directly related to the flow of current at a specific time. When we talk about car batteries these batteries usually have 12 volts and 48 amp-hours capacity.

It means that if the battery has to put out 1 amp of current in an hour, then it will keep on providing current for 48 hours. So, depending on the number of amps provided by the battery, the time it can run can be calculated. In any case, the important thing is the capacity of the battery.

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Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery Battery specification: 11.1V 7800mAh -40℃ 0.2C discharge capacity ≥80% Dustproof, resistance to dropping, anti - corrosion, anti - electromagnetic interference

Testing Amps in a Car Battery

Testing the amps of a car battery can be necessary in several cases. You might be looking to check if the battery system is working right or if it needs to be replaced. Other than that, there could be a case where you are looking to upgrade some security or entertainment system of your car and the amps of the battery matter the most.

So, before you do anything you must test the amps of your car battery. Here is the step-by-step guide that will help you in testing the amps of your car battery.

Material Required

To test your battery amps for your car there is nothing needed other than the multimeter.

Step by Step Guide to Test Car Battery Amps

Get your multimeter and set it to 20 volts DC

Find the car battery and identify the terminals.

Make sure that the car engine and entertainment system are off

Connect the terminals of the battery and multimeter.

Measure the voltage of the battery

Remove the voltmeter terminals

Turn on the car headlights on full for 30 seconds

After 30 seconds turn off the lights and repeat from step 4


You need to repeat the process at least 3 times to get an average value. In this way, you will find an average voltage value. Now you need to work on the voltage reading that you found about your car battery. The voltage readings will tell the following things:

12.5 volts or above mean that your bar battery amps are good

12 – 12.3 volts mean that your car battery amps are only satisfactory, and you will soon need to replace your battery.

Below 11.8 volts mean that your car battery amps are not good, and you must replace the battery immediately

Average Amps in a Car Battery

Knowing the amps of your car battery is something very important as it will affect all the systems that you install in your car battery. While the amps are mostly provided on the manual of the battery or its packaging, some people do not know where to find them. In that case, the only way left is to know about the average amps of a car battery.

The Average Amps of Car Batteries

The car batteries come in different sizes. Although their voltage is the same, their amps can vary. Some of the car batteries have only 3—or 400 amps while some have 800 amps. These are the batteries that are pretty different in size. If we discuss most batteries, we come to know that they usually have around 600 amps which is enough for most cars.

The Number of Cells in a Car Battery

The number of cells is very important when you are going to know the amps of your car battery. The reason is that the number of cells defines the voltage of the car battery, and it is also responsible for the amount of flow of electrons.

How does the capacity of a car battery work for the amps?

The capacity of the battery means how many amps it can contain and for how long those amps provide power to the load. for example, if a battery has a 50 amp-hour capacity. Then it means that the battery will be able to power the load of 1 amp for 50 hours.

Similarly, the load of 2 amps will keep on running for 25 hours and the time will keep on dividing or multiplying depending on the load.


Knowing about the amps of your car battery and amp-hours as well can keep you safe from a lot of blunders and confusions. So, make sure to test it yourself and if you are unable to test then you can know the amps on the label of your battery.


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