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Why does the lithium battery of the mobile phone explode? Why does the lithium battery catch fire?

Jan 05, 2019   Pageview:576

The battery explosion of Samsung Note7 leads in hot discussion, so why does the lithium battery of the mobile phone explode? Why does the lithium battery catch fire? Let me explain it here.


Why does the mobile phone lithium battery explode?


Charging speed too fast


The main component of a lithium ion battery is a battery that uses a lithium alloy metal oxide as a positive electrode material, graphite as a negative electrode material and a nonaqueous electrolyte solution to achieve a chemical reaction and supply electric power. When charging, lithium ions are located on the positive electrode and move to the negative electrode during discharge. The principle is simple.


The movement speed of lithium ions is limited, and once it is exceeded, it becomes unstable, such as a short circuit. Although companies such as Qualcomm are actively promoting fast charging technology, the charging speed needs to meet the limits of lithium ions and create a stable environment through some technologies to prevent short circuit.


If this step is not handled well, the short circuit will heat the electrolyte solution and the battery will catch fire.


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