22 Years' Battery Customization

How long does it take for an electric car to be fully charged?

Mar 05, 2019   Pageview:939

General electric vehicle lead-acid power battery charger uses a three-stage charging mode. Finish using the electric power 100% for 8 ~ 10 hours, no more than 12 hours. (it will affect the battery life) it is suggested that don't run out of the battery for every time, general recommendation power consumption is about 70%, and then you will have to charge your car. The charging time is 6 ~ 8 hours.

Battery maintenance knowledge:

1. The vehicle starts up, and don't fierce power up, should use pedal to slow speed and power.

2. When uphill or against the wind had better use pedal to power, this is good for your battery and motor.

3. The best one-time full when charging, red light lit floating 1-2 hours later.

4. Do not overload overweight, found in the instrument shows when the battery is low, and use human riding.

5. Try to avoid slamming on the brakes, brakes frequently take battery capacity; The faster the speed of design, the greater the loss of the battery.

6. Prevent charging. Board gate corrosion due to charging will accelerate, matching chargers for should be used when charging. Because of the formula and technology don't mix different battery charger; Don't put the battery upside down charge.

7. Because the sun will affect the service life of the battery, to avoid battery exposure in the sun.

The installation position is 8. Ensure the battery good heat dissipation, charging to stay away from heat source.

9. Frequently charge: use lead-acid batteries to get into the habit of increases with the increasing in charge, don't put the battery inside of the electric light to refill.) 1, buy a car (or replace batteries, battery should have about 80% of electricity, should be charged as soon as I get home, time is a charger light changes after 4 hours advisable, this to three times.

2, A day after 48 v (36 v ridden a 10 km, 15 km ridden a) to charge, the charging time is not too long, with an hour after the charger light changes advisable. Charging owe some, rather than not to overcharge, otherwise the battery will be charged because of lack of water, bulge, swollen up. Cause damage to the battery cannot remedy.

3, don't let the water into the battery box, to cause the internal battery umc.

4, regularly once a month completely discharge (ride to "under voltage" lit up), and then charging 12 hours continuously.

5, conditional on the monomer in the whole group batteries for, across the warranty battery (especially in summer), each of the three, four months for each battery monomer added 3-4 ml of deionized water.

Electric charge? How long will it take to get electric vehicle charging?

6, if they do not have the charger turns green or a charge turned green, be sure to check whether there is something wrong with the charger, or water loss.

7, the battery discharge port and charge for the whole mouth to keep clean, prevent contact point from the rust, caused by poor contact overheating and damage.

8, a foot as far as possible starting with the feet, don't be too big load, speed up smoothly. Don't get in to the electric starter.

Electric charge? How long will it take to get electric vehicle charging, charging remind:

1, according to the standard time and procedure charging, even so will three times before

2, when in the process of electric vehicles lithium battery a low power when prompted, should be timely to lithium batteries as soon as possible

3, lithium battery electric vehicle activation does not need special method, lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles will naturally activation. If you want to use of "three times before 12 hours long charging activation" approach, will only in vain, have not had any effect.

Blindly pursue long 12 hours charging and lithium battery used automatic without power, is wrong. If you used is according to the error, please promptly corrected.

Electric charge? How long will it take to get electric vehicle charging? Lithium ion batteries daily maintenance to save

Lithium battery self-discharge is very low, generally can be save 3 years, under the condition of cold storage preservation, the effect will be better. The lithium battery stored in low temperature, can yet be regarded as is a good method.

Lithium ion battery can be stored for more than six months in 20 ℃, it is because of its low self-discharge rate, and most of capacity can be restored. Lithium battery self-discharge phenomenon, if the battery voltage is below 3.6 V saved for long, can cause the battery discharge and damage the battery internal structure, reduce battery life. So long-term preservation lithium battery should be once every 3 ~ 6 months to repair electric, namely to charging voltage is 3.8 ~ 3.9 V (lithium storage battery the best voltage of 3.85 V or so), should not be filled. Lithium battery application temperature range is very wide, in the northern winter outdoor, can still be used, but capacity will reduce a lot, if returned to room temperature conditions, the capacity can be restored again, affected by a certain temperature.

That is how about electric charge? Electric vehicle charging how long does it take for a simple introduction, it is important to note that if the electric conductor time need not, so be sure to put the battery, make its full capacity storage, after the battery is good in that also will automatically discharge, when used to check the battery again, another new electric cars do not need to charge for a long time, generally on a full charge will automatically stop charging, you can unplug the power supply in time, avoid excessive charging.

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