Jan 04, 2019 Pageview:988
How to deal with lithium battery combustion?
One of the dangers of a lithium battery fire is that it cannot be visually determined whether the fire is extinguished. If not completely extinguished, it may reignite. There's a related video on YouTube that you can search for "FAA lithium battery fire". This video was taken to show how the crew put out a computer fire on the plane.
What should be done to extinguish the lithium battery fire?
First, use a fire extinguisher to extinguish the flames. Usually after doing so, the fire is extinguished and the battery is still smoking. Most fire extinguishers do this.
Second, due to the lithium battery will burn again, if there is no cooling down, with plenty of water to cool the battery is very important. (Keep watering).
Three, the best burning batteries will be moved to the outside, and then call the fire department to deal with it.
Four, smoking is harmful to the body. Do not breathe in the smoke from bicycle garage battery charging rack.
Prevent the lithium battery has the following steps:
First, E-bike shops would be safer if all the batteries were charged on dedicated charging racks.
Second, the charging rack should be large and wheels, and USES the non flammable materials. And on the gate there won't be that prevent charging station launched out.
Third, if the fire, the first reaction is charging rack will launch outside.
Four, the charging rack placed batteries, chargers and smoke alarms. Only in the charging rack with an extension cord, when charging rack will launch out so there will be no other interference. Will launch out charging rack, remove the power plug should be able to easily.
Five, use the timer on the power of the charging rack, to avoid to charge when you go to sleep at night.
Keep a 10lb. Or ABC and ClassD fire extinguisher handy. When the fire goes out, water can be drawn to cool it. (Hoses, buckets, water spray fire extinguisher, etc.) electric bicycle battery types and fire risk.
Commonly used type of lithium battery fire situation:
Sealed valve-controlled lead-acid batteries (SVRLA) such cells look like they do for emergency lighting and computer uninterruptible power. Overcharging with constant current chargers can cause explosions and fires. In rare cases, car starter batteries have the same problem. In particular, hydrogen gas is released, and in some cases it can cause an explosion. Unless the charger is powerful enough, if it is charged for a long time, it is not easy to avoid.
Nickel-cadmium batteries are not used in the U.S. electric-cycling industry, and were used in Europe and Japan a few years ago. It is generally considered to be non-flammable. But they are highly toxic, which is why they are not used in Europe or Japan.
Nickel metal hydride batteries are also rare. Some new bikes and many old bikes have such batteries. Usually not flammable, but if short-circuited, hydrogen gas is released. If it is in a confined space, it will explode.
Lithium manganese acid battery (LiNiMnC002) is a widely used battery. Such batteries will not catch fire if properly assembled and managed. But there is still the possibility of a fire, especially if the product is cheap or abused. The most common problem is using the wrong charger for too long. Such batteries are more compact and affordable than others on the list. So is the most popular electric bicycle battery.
lithium iron phosphate batteries (LiFeP04alsocalledLFPandLIPO) generally regarded as the most safe battery lithium batteries. Such batteries do not burn easily, and they do cause few fires. Such batteries are heavier than lithium manganate batteries, so use on e-bikes is limited.
Lithium cobalt battery (LiC002) is not used by any reputable enterprise for electric bicycles. The batteries have the highest energy density and are typically used in mobile phones and other electronics. As for the large size battery of electric bicycle, it is not stable enough. Easily confusing is that some lithium manganate batteries are described as nickel-diamond lithium manganate batteries, but they are not so-called lithium cobalt batteries.
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