Mar 14, 2022 Pageview:1075
Lithium-ion batteries make use of a chemical reaction for power generation purposes. As there is increase in the age of a battery, this chemical reaction does not get completed in as normal way as before, which can lead to outgassing or creation of gas - resulting in a swollen battery.
Also, if the internal layers of the battery do not have proper separation like before, due to defect or damage, problems like swelling, outgassing and even fire hazards may happen.
Swelling happens when particulates get caught within the battery layers and there is an eventual puncturing in the membrane that keeps the layers separate. In case there is a compromising of the membrane, the moisture present in the air can have a reaction with the cell - leading to a swelling of the cell.
This kind of explosive reaction has been witnessed in hoverboards as well as in the Samsung Galaxy Note7, which was quite an infamous incident and led to the imposing of stringent restrictions on the shipping of batteries as well as transporting them via airplanes.
In case there has been swelling of your cell phone battery you might not be sure about how to handle the problem. Fortunately, with some careful tips on handling and disposal of the same, it can be fairly easy and safe for you to dispose of swollen batteries. You need to remove the swollen battery carefully and take it to a computer repair store or e-waste centre, for effective disposal.
While handling a swollen battery, you need to take precautions. This is because, such batteries are hazardous and careful handling of the same is needed.
Is Swollen Cell Phone Battery Dangerous?
Yes, your phone can be damaged if there is a swollen battery. It is important to understand that your battery might catch fire in case it is swollen already.
In case you are sure, or doubt that your device battery is swollen, go ahead and remove it, because your device might get damaged otherwise.
In order to take your swollen battery out, you have to consider a few important things:
Look for a dry spot which is preferably in the outdoor area, where you should try to store your battery. Try to get a metal container beforehand, with sand nearby. If the battery catches fire, you should put it into the container and pour sand on it to extinguish the flames immediately.
Ensure that the surface where the device would be handled does not have any flammable material.
Put on protective gloves and glasses, so that you can stay safe in case the battery leaks a chemical or explodes.
These are some of the steps that you should follow in order to get your battery removed and replaced safely:
Let the battery get discharged completely.
Open your device and take the battery out. For safety purposes, use tweezers.
Look for a special recycling centre for materials of this type, so that you can dispose your battery off quite safely.
Get the swollen battery replaced with a fresh one.
Make use of an adapter of superior quality, preferably an original one.
Do not keep your phone plugged in for more time than is required.
In the worst cases, the safest thing that you can do is to take the battery out of the device with a lot of care and leave it in a safe spot - which is away from animals, people or things which are potentially fragile or objects that might lead to damage.
Or you might transport the battery to a spot where all potential hazards can be handled by expert professionals.
Never try to substitute a swollen battery in case your device is abnormally hot, gives out a very bad smell or is on fire already. You need to wait.
If you feel scared after reading all of these and do not feel totally comfortable about using a repaired swollen battery either, switch your phone off, place it in a fire proof container and take it to a repair expert.
Swollen Cell Phone Battery Disposal
These are the steps to dispose of a swollen cell phone battery.
1.Do not toss the swollen battery into a garbage can. A Lithium battery is actually regarded as a waste matter of hazardous nature. You should not discard it into a garbage bin or a dumpster in your house. These can be an environmental hazard and prove to be dangerous for the health of sanitation workers.
2.Rather, you should take it to a local e-waste centre. In these kinds of centres, electronic wastes of hazardous nature are disposed of in a safe manner. You can find several electronic waste centres in or around your area by searching online. For guidance regarding finding an e-waste centre on the web, you can get in touch with the hazardous materials disposal centre of your city.
3.It is a good idea to check with an electronic supply store or an electronic repair store. Check with a computer supply store or computer repair store, in case you cannot find any e-waste centre in your locality. It is often that faulty materials are encountered at work by Best Buy outlets and Apple stores. These stores might have safe methods of swollen battery disposal at their own facilities.
Swollen Cell Phone Battery Fix
In order to prevent the swelling of the cell battery, you need to follow quite a few vital tips.
To fix an inflamed or swollen battery, remove it from your phone and place it in an airtight container or bag. Keep it in the freezer or refrigerator, and have it cooled down for about half an hour.
Then take it out and allow it to stay in room temperature for 1 hour, so that its inflammation reduces. This can be quite an effective process to reduce battery swelling.
If the process is unsuccessful, it is advisable that you change your battery. This is because continuing the use of such a battery can be extremely dangerous. It can burst or leak an acid which could be harmful for your health.
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