Mar 14, 2022 Pageview:1209
A test battery comprises of a series of tests which are used for the evaluation of the various facets of the functioning - such as psychological functioning, of an adult or child. It is administered by a professional, such as a psychologist, which can help in taking decisions - as in case of a diagnosis about a person and finding out whether that individual needs support and services.
It was introduced in the year 1884 by Francis Galton. The initial test battery was administered for an assessment of the motor and sensory abilities of a person. After the battery of tests was carried out, a report was created for making a summary of the results obtained. Over the years, there has been an evolution in test batteries.
Test Battery Definition Psychology
A test battery, which is also referred to as assessment battery, happens to be a set of multiple exams which are psychometrically distinct but are delivered in a single administration.
In a few cases, these are different tests which are clustered together for associated purposes - such as a psychological test of a young child, for an assessment of his or her autism spectrum, anxiety and intelligence.
In a lot of cases, it is a single test title which is often regarded as a single test but happens to be various separate tests in actuality - such as University admissions test, having components of logical reasoning, mathematics and English. This is done in order to keep them separate psychometrically, but maximizing the amount of details about an individual, to satisfy the objectives of the test.
Test Battery Example
Test batteries are used in different fields and almost anywhere, this kind of an assessment is carried out. Examples of use of test batteries include:
Admissions and Placement Testing
The classic instance is a University admissions test, which has portions of logic, mathematics and English. These tests are separate and there would be separate calculation of important statistics, such as reliability, by psychometricians.
At the end, however, there is a combining of the scores in order to get a complete picture of the achievement or attitude of an examinee. This is used for optimal prediction of 4-graduation rates as well as other vital criterion variables.
In this case, students have to deal with multiple exams and not a single exam.
Pre-Employment Testing
It is often that exam batteries are implemented in pre-employment testing. Students might get tested on numerical reasoning, computer skills etc as well as conscientiousness, integrity and other non-cognitive traits.
These are used in combination, in order to get incremental validity. The CAT-ASVAB is a good instance, which is the selection exam for an entry into the US Armed Forces. It comprises of 10 tests, which evaluate different things such as Mechanical aptitude, mathematics, vocabulary etc.
In case of Pre-employment testing, a test battery is actually a set of tests which are clustered together and used for an evaluation of applicants for a specific position. Based on the requirements of the employer and the requirements of the job, test batteries vary across positions.
For instance, organisations looking for maintenance workers might like to administer a Mechanical aptitude test - in order to evaluate the ability of an applicant to work with tools and machinery. The company might also like to use a basic skills test, in order to evaluate his attention to detail and find out the extent to which the applicant can be trained.
Ultimately, they might also like to administer a personality test - in order to make a prediction of how honest, reliable and compliant to rules the applicant would be. A combination of these three tests would make up a test battery, which can be administered as a sequence to applicants.
Although test batteries can be customised significantly, the total time needed for taking all these tests together should not be very long. Otherwise, there would be test fatigue.
Psychological or Psychoeducational Assessment
A battery of tests is often used by clinicians in a clinical setting, such as to find out whether a person suffers from depression, anxiety, autism and IQ problems.
Some of the IQ tests can be battery tests, given that numerical reasoning, logical reasoning, visual reasoning etc might be assessed. But there is a positive manifold in all of these, which means that these correlate with each other significantly. The Woodcock-Johnson is another important example.
K-12 Educational Assessment
In schools, many big scale tests are carried out which are regarded as a battery, although these evaluate just two or three aspects. The
NWEA Measures of Academic Progress in the USA is a common test.
Composite Scores
This is a blend of scores in a battery. If you have ever appeared for an admissions test, such as the GRE and SAT, you might remember how your scores would be added on various subtests whereas an average is taken by the ACT test.
A linear combination of the four most significant subtests is taken by the ASVAB, and these are used for admission purposes whereas the rest are used for employment matching.
A Different Animal: Test with Sections
This kind of battery stands out from a single test having distinct sections. For instance, in?a K12 English test, there could be:
2 essays
10 sentence-completion grammar items
10 vocab items
These tests are generally evaluated as a single exam, given the fact that these are unidimensional - psychometrically.
Difference Between Test and Battery in Psychology
The primary differences between a single content standardized test battery and a standardized test battery are that in case of the latter there is an assessment of various curricular areas in the same battery (Mertler, 2016).
For example, reading, spelling, written expression and mathematics might be measured by the battery. On the other hand, a single content area is essentially evaluated in a single content standardized test. For instance, no comparison is there between single content tests and norm groups. However, each of the specified tests have pros as well as cons while they are being used.
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