22 Years' Battery Customization

Sunwoda ranks first in the market share of smart phone batteries globally

Mar 12, 2019   Pageview:1361

In the first quarter of 2018, the domestic lithium-ion battery PACK enterprise leader Sunwoda (300207) presented a brilliant answer again.


Sunwoda said, thanks to the company business plan in order to carry out, and increase marketing efforts, in the first quarter of the company to achieve revenue 3.535 billion yuan, up 59.53% from a year earlier.Net income of 115 million yuan, up 58.81% from a year earlier.


Traditional consumption 3 c class lithium the battery of strong business growth and development layout, in the field of lithium ion batteries for Sunwoda growth provides sufficient clout.


On the one hand, as the domestic lithium battery PACK "trying", Sunwoda 3 c class lithium battery consumption in traditional agriculture for more than 20 years, the global ranking first in the smartphone battery share. Tablet and laptop computers, smart hardware have accelerated in the business such as infiltration.


On the other hand, based on their own 20 years professional lithium-ion battery PACK, we have pleasure in Sunwoda conform to the trend of rapid development of new energy automobile market transformation, active layout motivation, Energy storage battery the business. At present, the company Power battery Business is progressing satisfactorily, the electric car battery systems business rapidly expand, power batteries production line goes well, and put into operation soon.


At present, due to the industry barriers to entry tighter, subsidies TuiPo intensified, power battery market is facing reshuffle, makers of power battery in the product quality, improve cost control requirements. Predictably, held speculative mentality, hollowing out technology enterprises will accelerate out of the market.


To help the industry out the industry development situation, this paper discusses the subsequent strategic choice, May 21, the 11th high lithium electricity industry summit will be held in Shenzhen four seasons hotel grand, 500 + 300 + niche heavyweight enterprise executives will be involved.


Understands from the organizing committee of the BBS, high lithium electricity industry summit meeting is held every year industry event, so far has been successfully held the tenth, the authority of the platform is famous in lithium electricity industry.


The BBS theme of "to seek industrial upgrading, break through the international siege", as an industry bellwether industry leader a high-level dialogue platform will be around the industry development trend, enterprise survival plight, opportunity and risk, then explores its core issues, such as industrial policy interpretation, common booster lithium electricity industry sustainable development.


Vice President of Sunwoda Liang Rui will be published titled "Sunwoda power battery PACK to batteries, Sunwoda strategic choice" the theme of the speech, to share with the industry Sunwoda as PACK the dragon head enterprises in mainland China, the road to "search" in the field of power batteries.


To seek the transformation in the field of power battery, Sunwoda has developed a perfect strategic planning, namely "three full" business strategy: the overall power battery industry core resources, the whole industry chain, fully meet the strategic layout.


Liang Rui said: "one is the overall power battery industry, will be fully into the power battery industry as our goal, and build the core of" technology, quality, cost competitiveness; Second, a comprehensive grasp core technology of power battery, including batteries, PACK the core technology and detection ability;3 it is the whole industry chain strategic layout, covering raw materials, time-sharing leasing operations and power battery, battery system arrangement in use, etc."


In research and development, we have pleasure in Sunwoda focus on research and development of power battery system and power batteries, research and development achievements reached the advanced level, gain high recognition in the industry. R&d results reached the advanced level, the BMS development in the domestic first through ISO26262 authentication.


Company power batteries, the independent development institute of high energy power batteries energy density as high as 215 wh/kg, cycle life over 2000 times, more than 4500 w high power batteries power density/kg, cycle life of more than 6000 times. At the same time, the power battery joint research and development center was established with south China university of technology, to further strengthen its research and development strength, build a one-piece development strategy study.


In terms of market development, power battery business strength and development potential of the new energy car companies have been many famous at home and abroad the height of the identity, power battery business to get fast development, with Geely, Dongfeng auto, Xiao Peng car, cloud, Yutong, etc. core client all the business cooperation, with the customer on several new models building battery systems of synchronous development mechanism, continued access to a large number of stable order.


There are ten types of matched passenger cars entered the list of national announcements. Vehicle battery business get a stable growth. Sunwoda further enrich and expand the three strategies, implement industry chain layout of major OEMs and regional investment.


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