23 Years' Battery Customization

When assembling lithium battery packs, should they be connected in parallel or series first?

Sep 26, 2023   Pageview:347

A battery consists of many smaller battery packs according to the capacity of the product. Now, there would be two types of arrangements when it comes to assembling lithium battery packs. Well, the life and performance of the battery depend on this assembling arrangement of the battery packs. Now, those battery packs can either be connected in parallel or series first.

There is no other arrangement there for the battery packs. The lithium battery packs are connected in series first because this way, the chances of battery failures decrease. Once the lithium battery packs are connected in series first, then they get connected in parallel. 

How many lithium battery packs will get connected in series first depends on the capacity of the battery, like 1/3 are connected in series first. The others would be connected in parallel first. This whole arrangement of assembling the battery packs this way will improve their working, and there will be fewer chances of battery failure. 

Another reason for connecting the lithium battery packs in series first is that it will improve the battery performance, and it will be consistent for a long time. 

Advantage of Connecting in Parallel First

The lithium battery you get from the market consists of lithium battery packs that together work and provide you with the perfect amount of voltage. Well, those lithium battery packs are assembled in a way that they work perfectly fine and last longer. Connecting the lithium battery packs in parallel first and then series comes with a few advantages that you must know. 

Everything that comes with benefits has drawbacks as well, but if you choose the right option for assembling the lithium battery packs in the right way, the battery will last longer. It is not only about the life cycle but also the performance as well. 

Increased Duration of Providing Power

The advantage of considering connecting the lithium battery packs in parallel first would be the increased duration of providing power. It is quite obvious that if you are buying a battery, then you would certainly want it to last longer, but what would happen if the battery works for longer hours?

Well, there is nothing wrong with connecting the lithium battery packs in parallel first, but if the battery works for longer hours, then it will take more time to recharge that battery.

3.2V 20Ah Low Temperature Square LiFePO4 Battery Cell
3.2V 20A Low Temp LiFePO4 Battery Cell -40℃ 3C discharge capacity≥70% Charging temperature:-20~45℃ Discharging temperature: -40~+55℃ pass acupuncture test -40℃ maximum discharge rate:3C

Advantage of Connected in Series First

As we have talked about the advantages of assembling lithium battery packs in parallel, first, you must know what would happen if you consider the other option. What would happen if you consider assembling the lithium battery packs in series first and then parallel? It is quite obvious that connecting the lithium battery packs in series first is a whole different assembling arrangement, but what if you give it a go? 

Would it work for you for how long, and how would it be better than a parallel arrangement? It is important to know all the facts before deciding on the assembling arrangement of the lithium battery packs.

The battery will surely keep the equipment working for longer hours, and to add more time to its working, you can connect two batteries at a time. You can use a fast charging technique so the battery's life cycle won't get affected by longer hours of providing voltage to your equipment. 

The only advantage of considering assembling the lithium battery packs in parallel first would be longer hours of power availability that keep your equipment going. 

The Increased Amount of Current

Are you looking for a lithium battery pack arrangement that would increase the amount of current the battery will provide your equipment with? Well, in this case, you must assemble the lithium battery packs in series first and then parallel. When you connect the lithium battery packs in series first, it will give your battery a higher voltage system. 

In this case, the current system gets lower, and you can use thing wiring. Using thin wiring will cause less voltage drop. Yes, now you might have understood why you should consider assembling lithium battery packs in series first because it will not only improve the voltage capacity of your battery but also make your battery last longer. 

There will be minimum voltage dropping in the system, and it will provide greater output voltages. Another fact you must know about assembling lithium battery packs in series first is that the same manufacturer of battery cells and batteries can use this assembling option to make the product work and perform well. 

Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery 11.1V 7800mAh
Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery Battery specification: 11.1V 7800mAh -40℃ 0.2C discharge capacity ≥80% Dustproof, resistance to dropping, anti - corrosion, anti - electromagnetic interference

How do you make a decision?

It might get a little difficult to decide whether you want to assemble lithium battery packs in series’ first or parallel. Well, both options come with attractive pros and a few cons as well. How about you mix both options for your benefit?

Well, you can connect the lithium battery packs in series first and then do the wiring in parallel, and it won't affect the total voltage capacity of the battery. This way, the battery bank capacity will increase. 

Otherwise, if you are still adamant about choosing between the series and parallel arrangement for connecting the lithium battery packs, then choose the option that works according to your requirements. Obviously, if you want the battery to last long, then go parallel arrangement. If you want the voltage to be higher, then you can consider a series arrangement. 

You must know that both types of lithium battery pack arrangement options come with pros and cons. It would be wise to choose the option that will benefit you in the end. Otherwise, you might have to change your lithium battery packs soon because they will stop working. 

Final Verdict

As we have talked about the facts about assembling lithium battery packs in parallel or series first, you might have gotten your answer now. Well, if you want the battery to work with consistency and last longer, then you must connect the lithium battery packs in series first and then parallel. You can get the parallel assembling done first and then in series, but it will take way longer hours to recharge the battery. Therefore, you must make the decision wisely. 


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