22 Years' Battery Customization

What are the problems that electric vehicle battery bulge should pay attention to?

Jul 04, 2019   Pageview:492

When it comes to the battery, a lot of friends are very headache battery drum this problem, the electric car batteries is one of the most common problems in the process of using the battery is charged drum, once the charge will be difficult to repair. Naturally they will shift responsibility to the battery, battery back a big blame.

When it comes to battery, a lot of friends are very headache battery drum this problem, the electric car battery is one of the most common problems in the process of using the battery is charged drum, once the charge will be difficult to repair. Naturally they will shift responsibility to the battery, battery back a big blame.

A sign of battery bulge

1, see the change of the charger indicator lights. Battery charging for a long time, has been not to jump the green, but when unplug the power plug to plug in the power, indicator light will turn green again.

2, see the change in temperature. Charge after 6 hours, if the charger temperature higher than 40 °, or the battery shell temperatures above 50 °.


As a customer for the battery technical causes of the drum is not very understanding, today small make up you explain for everybody to avoid the battery charged drum some correct operation method, have the guest in the battery, can put forward in this article to them, so as to avoid improper use one thousand damage after a needless trouble.


To prevent battery bulge, learn 9 recruit

1, the battery when charging and high temperature environment must be avoided.

Although now the weather slowly turns cool, but sometimes there may be insufficient ventilation, sunlight and other causes of electric cars, chargers and other electronic components work index appeared deviation, this is often a charger is often the cause of the constant light. Such as already full of electricity, but the charger because of high temperature and can't change the lamp, led to continue charging, battery could be charged drum.

2, pay attention to the charging time must not be too long

The first kind of circumstance belongs to because of the high temperature lead to the charger not turn lights, and then the battery overcharge, belong to the cause of the problem, can go to avoid attention. But if it's because "short-cut" anthropogenic overcharge, that is to blame someone else. A large number of people are usually come home from work at night immediately after charging, it was not until the second day early in the morning, a dozen hours of continuous charging the battery is easily drum. Normal battery charging time should be in for 8 to 10 hours, if in order to avoid trouble can choose with the function of automatic power charger.

3, riding over don't charge at once

Electric vehicles in the just-concluded cycling when will send out a larger quantity of heat, add the hot weather, will cause the temperature of the battery is very high. Charging right away, at this time if the battery has been unable to effectively reduce the temperature of bottom go to, it is easy to be dehydrate, lead to the drum. So be sure to wait for the temperature of the electric car battery to start charging after cooling.

4, try to avoid quick charge

Electric vehicle fast charging station can be in a short period of time to filling the high power batteries, travel to the lavatory to a certain extent, but in unnecessary time or try to avoid using quick filling station. Because of fast charging station when charging the inevitable will use than conventional power supply current, often use large current charging can lead to premature aging failure batteries, also easy to the drum, so before going out to pay attention to the power, reduce the frequency of using fast charger.

5, the charger specification must match

Don't think "batteries, use a charger is ok", if this is the wrong use the charger, also the damage to the battery is very large. Different specifications of the input voltage and current of the battery is a fixed value, use the charger of how to use the corresponding matching chargers, don't mess with, not only may drum filling battery, also is likely to lead to explode.

6, the charger shall be properly kept, avoid failure

Also mentioned above, the charger once failed, it is likely to lead to the battery overcharge, leading to the drum, so be sure to carefully. Need to avoid the charger moistureproof, corrosion resistance, etc., at the same time also need to shock, don't put the charger onboard as far as possible, because the turbulence shocks the electronic components may make the charger case of damage.

7, avoid the external force of the impact of the battery

Battery must pay attention to protect, if the battery had some impact or extrusion, is likely to lead to the battery of qualitative change, continue to charge is likely to lead to the drum. So in normal cycling when should pay attention to obey the traffic rules, avoid accident size, at the same time try to pick the arrival of the smooth ride, to avoid turbulence and the dump.

8, avoid to use inferior charger

It has repeatedly stressed the importance of the charger for the battery, so choose good quality and match the battery charger is indispensable. A lot of people after the original charger is damaged, in order to save money just bought a charger. But it is likely to cause serious damage to the battery, results in the decrease of battery life, battery changes again instead spend more.

9, and the choice of good quality, guaranteed the battery

Circulate on the market today many low battery, this part of the battery although cheap, but the survey found that most of the battery life is very short, and there is no after-sale protection, do not rule out is the battery refurbished or repaired, even formed the good habit is hard to put an end to battery charging by drum filling. So as far as possible to choose a big brand, guaranteed the battery. Such as xu sent the battery.

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