22 Years' Battery Customization

"Matthew effect" is obvious, how do power battery SMES solve the problem?

Jul 05, 2019   Pageview:787

The battery C - battery network - April 27 (Qian Zhang mountain water Henan Xinxiang) on April 27th afternoon, Zhongguancun new battery technology innovation alliance, the committee "bureau" series of activities the fifth leg (Xinxiang station) was held in Xinxiang of Henan province chamber of commerce hotel. From a battery of new energy industry chain: family day power lithium can, laser, league win laser, fluorine, HuiQiang new materials, Tianma, Zhongtian new energy, new materials catic lithium electricity, power energy, lithium Zhongke science and technology, Henan letter, Huarui in Lin Lang kun, Henan, Jiangsu golden sail brand, Kaifeng measurement and control, Shengda power, machinery, zhengzhou west Witt, Zhengzhou Xin Mingde, Qifeng nearly 30 new materials including the government, the union, the listed company, the new three board, the listed company's subsidiary, the mainstream enterprise higher-ups and high-level will highlight the "Matthew effect", Power battery how to break into the era of oligarchs, small and medium enterprises bureau; Power battery manufacturing oligarchs, say more centralized supply chain, supplier management present situation and the choice;Community of fate and how to build ecology; Typical case analysis with foreign gap in industries such as hot topic for further discussion.

Bureau of the "about" activities by the Zhongguancun new battery technology innovation alliance, cell c (micro number: CBHA100), battery (micro number: my battery), I love Shared (micro number: xevcar), jointly organized by energy finance network, day power lithium can co-host, laser named family support. Li-ion battery/battery "Davos BBS" organizing committee c/Zhongguancun new battery technology innovation alliance secretary-general, founder/chairman in Puritan said, "the bureau" series of activities is the Zhongguancun new battery technology innovation alliance/c/web/lithium battery "Davos" organizing committee after the national tour after research line, "asked" brand activities such as new attempt and innovation, "the bureau" activities through discussion between exchanges, study visits, strengthen on the middle and lower reaches of industry consolidation, investment, restructuring; About policy bureau, bureau of about markets, about company's bureau, the bureau of wisdom about, about contacts of bureau, is a battery has a large circle of entrepreneurs, new energy industry chain cafe positive energy "bureau", and influential people influence more influential people together; Activities every time locking a city and a central theme, and industry entrepreneurs enlightenment, face to face further communication technology and the industry hotspot and focus issue. "The bureau" officially launched in December 2017, has successfully held four stations, Qingdao, Shenzhen, Nanjing, Beijing integration of more than one hundred listed companies and the mainstream companies.

In 2017, China lithium battery industry has experienced a "price game" and "industry reshuffle" key. New energy subsidies in power battery prices fall, at the same time, raw material prices strong gross margin compression power battery production enterprises, further dropped to 1.4 yuan/wh at the end of 2017, the average price fell 24% year on year. "Squeeze down on" power battery enterprises under pressure, few leading enterprises in the future can survive in the increasingly fierce competition environment.

To cope with the pressure, and some of the power battery companies choose by expanding the production scale, extend the industrial chain, supply chain optimization and other ways to reduce the production cost. Among them, the era of Ningde predicts 2020, the lithium battery capacity will increase by 2017 Gwh 17.09 to 50 Gwh. BYD power battery capacity will be 16 in 2017 GWH increase to 39 2020 GWH. Tianjin lishen plans by 2020 to raise its capacity to 30 GWH. Power battery scale expansion at the same time also facing overcapacity crisis, a line of battery giant preempted market, batteries, small and medium enterprises facing elimination crisis., batteries and secondary batteries, small and medium enterprises capacity accounted for only 15% ~ 30%, is expected in 2020, power battery enterprise number dropped from 2017 in 90 to 20, oligopoly competition.

At the same time, solve the supply chain upstream and downstream power battery also is the enterprise to reduce costs the key issues of concern. Will present to the future power battery enterprises expand upstream materials and downstream application to give priority to the development trend of the market. Among them, the porch tech center to BYD, creating new energy sources such as star source material power lithium battery industrial closed loop; BYD co and other cooperation with salt lake of Qinghai salt lake BYD resources development co., LTD. Pride and Baic, Ningde era, leading to optimize power battery industry chain of Peking University, and many other giant enterprise upstream and downstream industry chain began to layout optimization. According to the battery net (micro number: my battery) statistics, in 2017, the lithium battery industry chain restructuring 35 projects there are 34 project announced deal amount, total more than 46.5 billion yuan. Among them, 15 enterprises mergers and acquisitions amount exceeds 1 billion.

Lithium battery industry "M&A tide" reshuffle, high quality mark less and less. "Matthew effect", power battery into the era of oligarchs, "knockout" small and medium enterprises how to broken? To ponder!

Conference, in Puritan believes that small and medium-sized enterprises how to adjust yourself to adapt to market development environment becomes the top priority, summarizes the four views in how to broken: (1) first of all, small and medium-sized enterprises want to know to how to make their own product positioning, scale and capital, and then according to the positioning for change;(2) the means of development. Looking for bulk at the same time, enterprises want to have a "heat" in the first place. An enterprise only their own products, technology, service value keep up with, to talk about the cool with his back leaning against a big tree.(3) how to realize from the "red sea" to "blue ocean"? Yourself to have a boat, at the same time have the ability to swim. This requires companies to have spirit;(4) in the new energy development on the road to do both "knife", and "cut". Technical research and development, and expand the market ability occupies a place in a rapidly changing market development.

Lies in the Puritan view, the development of the enterprise are all around the product and quality. If the four areas of the material and the craft equipment do not make a good batteries, no good batteries, new energy vehicles will be equal to a pile of "scrap", development of new energy industry chain who also cannot leave the who, rely on each other, the bulk can be more powerful.

Lithium electricity industry strong stronger come of age, small and medium-sized enterprise how to design your own future. Day power lithium can chairman Ruiqing Wang believes that the future can open up new development by means of mergers and acquisitions, share reform path. M&A does not mean to sell to others, as the saying goes, "cool" with his back leaning against a big tree, find the right business expansion capital road to help small and medium-sized enterprise development in the future, will become a shortcut to reduce cost, increase profits; Future will present to joint-stock enterprise development is given priority to, single-handedly will partly responsible corporate cash flow nervous, technical defects, such as problems, the future to introduce new strategic investors, to attract high quality partners means of development, will become the direction of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Day power lithium can was established in March 2009, registered capital of 40.37 million yuan, three yuan is one specialized is engaged in the lithium electricity positive materials research and development, production and sales of state-level high-tech enterprises, is the industry also has the ternary precursor and product materials one of a handful of suppliers. Ruiqing Wang said, the company's comprehensive production capacity of 20000 tons/year, of which 3000 tons of high nickel, ranked fifth in the domestic manufacturers. Output value of more than 700 million yuan in 2017, to achieve profits of nearly 50 million yuan, the operation indexes are more than 95% from 2016.

Ruiqing Wang said that day force lithium can produce three yuan materials mainly used in electric vehicles, electric bicycle, mobile storage devices and power tools, and other fields, main client has Suzhou star constant, Jiangsu Hai Sida, Guangzhou, Shenzhen Zhuo can, Zhejiang day Peng hui and other domestic well-known lithium battery production enterprises, in Yangtze river delta, the pearl river delta areas such as lithium electricity industry, currently in BYD and stepped into the stage of bulk supply of silver, is developing Japan Panasonic, Samsung, and other multinational clients.

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