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Pasi shares to acquire lithium ion materials company Jiangxi Zhengtuo

Jul 02, 2019   Pageview:690

Paisi shares announced on the evening of March 2 that the company's stock was suspended from February 5, 2018 due to major events. After argumentation and negotiation with the parties concerned, the matter constituted a major asset restructuring for the company. The counterparty of this major asset restructuring was initially agreed to be the entire shareholder of Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., and has no relationship with the listed company, controlling shareholder and actual controller. The trading company may involve issuing shares and paying cash to purchase assets, and at the same time raising matching funds. The specific trading method is still under cautious discussion and has not yet been finalized.


The target asset is Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., which belongs to the lithium ion battery manufacturing industry and is subdivided into the lithium ion battery negative electrode material industry. In strict accordance with the relevant regulations of the CSRC and the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the company actively promoted the major asset reorganization work, and organized independent financial consultants, legal advisers, accounting firms and asset evaluation institutions to conduct due diligence, auditing, and evaluation of the targeted assets. The company intends to apply to the Shanghai Stock Exchange for continued suspension of trading.


Insiders said that Peth shares, as a supplier of complete sets of equipment in the field of gas transmission and distribution and gas applications (mainly natural gas power generation), gradually expanded its new business in distributed energy, urban gas, LNG liquefaction, and new energy development around natural gas applications. So far, it has formed three major industries: gas equipment business, gas operation business and distributed energy integrated service business. The company expects to achieve a net profit range of 50 million yuan to 60 million yuan for shareholders belonging to listed companies in 2017, an increase of 113 to 156 yuan compared with the same period last year.


The main reason is the increase in gas equipment business orders during the reporting period, driving profit growth; At the same time, around the natural gas application field, distributed energy integrated service business and gas operation business has been expanded in an orderly manner, creating a new profit growth point for it. The initial agreed assets to be acquired are Jiangxi Zhengtuo New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., which belongs to the lithium ion battery cathode material industry. Due to the rapid development of electric vehicle industry in our country, there is great demand for raw materials including lithium ion battery negative electrode materials, which belongs to the new business scope of listed companies. If the final acquisition is successful, it is expected to enter the field of lithium battery materials and form a new growth point.


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