22 Years' Battery Customization

We should take cell phone battery recycling seriously.

Jul 05, 2019   Pageview:852

Recently, the Beijing municipal environmental protection bureau deputy director wrote on Weibo, which is about that he does not recommend waste battery centralized recovery of processing, leading a post triggered heated debate, but now most people are concerned about AA batteries. An amount of batteries that actually pollutes our environment are mobile phone batteries. Experts have pointed out that an old mobile phone battery causes 60000 liters of water pollution, "60000 litres of water is enough to fill three standard swimming pool."

Environmental knowledge: dry cells should be discarded, pointed out that at present the country has not encouraged to low mercury or no mercury waste disposable batteries for centralized processing, and contains a lot of toxic substances, the most true of batteries should include: waste rechargeable batteries, button type of disposable batteries, cell phone batteries, and car battery, etc.Which is the largest number of mobile phone batteries.

Mobile phone battery polluting have how old?Though many times also appeared in the media, but did not lead to wider attention.

In October 2010, Anhui business newspaper in an interview in a report in the long-term study electronics expression when experts of the impact of environmental pollution, a piece of waste battery pollution is equivalent to 100 pieces of ordinary dry cells. A traditional old phone, contains substances, which is harmful to the environment may at least 20 kinds, an old mobile phone batteries to 60000 liters of water pollution, the equivalent of three standard swimming pool. In order to more image, reported in Anhui storage capacity is about 3.6 billion cubic meters of Chaohu lake as an example calculation, Hefei urban resident population at more than 3 million, more than about 1.5 million people have mobile phones, assuming that the average service life of a cellular phone for 5 years, so a year on average more than 300000 pieces of mobile phone batteries were eliminated, these cells can five Chaohu lake pollution.

China mobile phone battery out over 100 million recycling of less than 1% each year

By 2011, mobile phone users in China has more than 900 million, according to the world top. And at the same time, our country is one of the biggest producer and consumer of mobile phone batteries, waste output of mobile phone batteries alone each year more than 20000 tons. The United Nations environment agency (UNEP), according to a report is expected in 2020 China from mobile phones on the market of electronic waste will grow by 600%.

In fact the service life of the mobile phone is far lower than the Anhui business calculation using the constraints of the five years. EP environmental protection small plait understands, at present China every year around 100 million units, eliminate the number of mobile phone is a quarter of all over the world, and eliminated a lot of mobile phones equipped with battery is more than one piece, and elimination of mobile phone batteries than mobile phones. China, the recovery rate of waste mobile phone still hovers around 1%, mobile phone battery recovery rate is lower.

Mobile phone batteries and know where is still hard

Find a good end-result, for mobile phone battery can not only avoid polluting the environment, also can save resources, because the 1 t waste batteries can be extracted 200 grams of gold, and ordinary gold ore (sand) can only extract 2 grams per ton, used batteries can extract cobalt, copper, nickel, light rare earth materials, etc. Even so, China for discarded cell phone battery is still in the extremely perfect state.

In Zhongguancun, a cell phone store assistant Ms. Zheng said: "there are many people in recycling mobile phone, but looking for mobile phone batteries is not easy, it has no people do this for more than six months, the original price is very cheap, sometimes a few dollars or even a few cents, what good recovery after all don't know."

Part of waste battery are often some criminals from recyclers RMB 20 ~ 35 yuan per kg price acquisition, sorting, cleaning, and then take out the battery core charge, welding circuit, combined with brand mobile phone battery shell, powder coating made from pieces of counterfeit batteries, renovated into the secondary market. Such a battery is not only the quality is poor, often accompanied by high radiation and easy explosion hazard, damage the interests of consumers and security of person.

"Part of the old cell phone batteries are often some criminals from recyclers RMB 20 ~ 35 yuan per kg price acquisition, sorting, cleaning, and then take out the battery core charge, welding circuit, combined with brand mobile phone battery shell, powder coating made from pieces of counterfeit batteries, such batteries not only quality is poor, often accompanied by high radiation and easy explosion hazard, damage the interests of consumers and security of person."

Some of China's mobile phone production and seller has also done some efforts on mobile phone battery recycling, but it is difficult to adhere to. A private company employee Ms. Wei told Beijing EP network environmental mark, she remembers in about two years ago to suning to buy mobile phones and recycling of waste batteries are favorable, when buying a new phone with old cell phone batteries can be offset 50 yuan, "seldom seen such preferential" later.

It is understood that China mobile has MOTOROLA, Nokia set up environmental protection plan "green box", users only need to take to main business hall recycling waste batteries, can be returned to 10 yuan fee. But later activities have no below, popular attention to the introduction of market of PHS mobile phone recycling but could not find a good channel at present, China unicom and China netcom personnel said that mobile phones and PHS batteries don't.

Little common sense

The various types of mobile phone batteries belong to cadmium nickel battery and the lithium battery, less polluting to the environment in a closed state, but the damage of the state of the battery pollution from consequences, ordinary people don't hit, hit or burned the old cell phone batteries, lest produce risk.

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