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Latest information: Ningde will lead China to build more than one hundred billion yuan of lithium power industrial base

Sep 06, 2019   Pageview:973

Recently, Shanghai Group officially launched the construction of the passenger car Ningde base project. According to the plan, the base covers an area of about 2,200 acres and has a total investment of about 5 billion yuan. It will be officially put into production in 2019. In the future, the base will be mainly used for SAIC. The production of new energy models under the passenger car.


The rise of the Ningde era has led Ningde to become a major city in the lithium battery industry in China. Under the influence of the Ningde era, many enterprises in the industrial chain such as Xiamen tungsten industry and fir energy have settled in Ningde.


In recent years, the agglomeration effect of the lithium electricity industry is obvious. Local areas either rely on resource advantages or rely on geographical location to form a large-scale industrial base.


On the one hand, the industrial base is conducive to exerting the agglomeration effect. On the other hand, local governments also support the development of large-scale industries in terms of policies, scientific research, talent introduction, and education to promote local economic development. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, China will form several hundreds of billions of lithium battery industrial bases, and China's "lithium valley" is blooming everywhere.


Ningde, Fujian, the world's largest polymer lithium ion battery production base


Ningde's lithium new energy industry is led by two leading battery companies, with lithium batteries and Pack as the core, and the layout of the upper and lower reaches of the industrial chain.


After nine years of development, Ningde has become the world's largest polymer lithium-ion battery production base. Its products supply well-known brands such as Apple, Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, and Meizu, and it is the only domestic production supporting BMW, Volkswagen and other internationally renowned car companies. Power batteries.


As of November 2017, Ningde has a total of 36 industrial chain projects with a total investment of 24.724 billion yuan. The project covers industrial chain products such as lithium-ion battery isolation film coating materials and aluminum plastic materials, positive and negative electrode materials, isolation films, aluminum foil, copper foil, electrolytes, lithium battery components, electric core covers, molds, etc., showing Ningde. Li-electric new energy industry's influence and appeal in the industry.


Including more than 30 industrial chain-related companies such as SAIC, Xiamen Tungsten, and Sequoia Energy, it is expected that by the end of the 13th Five-Year Plan, the total scale of Ningde Li-electric new energy industry will exceed 100 billion yuan, of which the battery industry The output value reached 70 billion yuan, and the output value of supporting materials and equipment industry exceeded 30 billion yuan.


Changsha Ningxiang Investment 30 billion to build China Lithium Valley


At present, Ningxiang has formed an industrial structure dominated by new materials and advanced equipment manufacturing. On the basis of existing industries, Ningxiang High-tech Zone will plan to build about 3,000 acres of lithium electric Valley in China(Jinzhou) in the Northeast zone and invest 30 billion yuan to build an industrial platform. It plans to introduce lithium battery industry chain enterprises across the board, covering upstream mineral resources processing, positive and negative materials, electrolytes, diaphragm materials and production equipment manufacturing, middle reaches of lithium ion batteries, downstream digital products, base station power supply,special devices, new energy vehicles, etc., to enlarge the industrial agglomeration effect. We will build listed companies to conduct all-round industrial cultivation around the entire lithium power industry and form a lithium ion battery industry cluster with an output value of over 100 billion yuan.


At present, the park has initially formed a green circular industrial chain of "non-ferrous metal resources-lithium battery materials-lithium battery core manufacturing and assembly-lithium battery application-lithium battery recovery-recycling materials". Representative enterprises that have gathered battery positive electrode materials, battery negative electrode materials, diaphragm materials, lithium battery recovery and other industrial chains.


During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, Ningxiang High-tech Zone will use China(Jinzhou) Lithium-electric Valley as a platform, in accordance with the chain characteristic development model of large projects-industrial chains-industrial clusters-characteristic industries. Through the "core" chain building of leading enterprises, strengthening the "wing" chain effect of small and medium-sized enterprises, gradually forming China's(Jinzhou) lithium electric Valley with strong competitive strength, and making every effort to build a 100 billion yuan industrial cluster.


Jiangxi Yichun "Asia Lithium Capital" agglomeration effect appears


Yichun City has the world's largest reserves of lithium mica, and lithium oxide accounts for 31 % of the country's mining capacity and 12 % of the world's total. Relying on huge resource advantage, the lithium-electric industry agglomeration in Yichun appears.


In four districts and cities, Yichun has formed a comprehensive development and utilization of lithium mica. The development of Xinyu lithium salt is strong. The power battery of Xinzhou New Energy Vehicle is developing rapidly. Shangrao is mainly engaged in energy storage and power lithium-ion battery manufacturing. Along with the rapid development of the lithium battery industry, Yichun’s “Asia Lithium Capital” has already been deserved.


Up to now, Yichun City has 34 large-scale lithium-ion enterprises, 13 enterprises with tax revenues of 10 million yuan, and 1 enterprise with over 100 million yuan. It has cultivated Far East Foster, Jiangte Motor, Zichen Technology, and Hezong a group of companies with strong influence in China.


From the selection of lithium ore raw materials to battery-grade lithium carbonate, battery materials, and the application of lithium ion batteries and lithium electric products, Yichun City has basically formed a relatively complete lithium-electric new energy industrial chain, and a number of representative links have emerged. Leading enterprises. Twelve research centers such as the Lithium Carbonic Acid Research Center have been established and two Lithium new energy hospital workstations have been established. At present, Yichun has formulated a plan to "double the number of industrial battles for 800 billion in four years" and aims to reach 100 billion yuan by the end of 2020.


Qinghai Lithium Mine Resources


Qinghai's lithium ore resources account for more than 90 % of the country's proven reserves, and account for more than 30 % of the world's lithium reserves in salt lakes. At the same time, dry, less rain, windy, hypoxic and cold weather conditions in Qinghai are conducive to the stable and excellent performance of lithium electric materials. Coupled with the rapid development of such strategic emerging industries as photovoltaic and wind energy, it has provided a vast market space for the development of the lithium industry. It can be said that Qinghai has unique conditions for the development of the lithium electricity industry.


In recent years, Qinghai has actively planned the completion of the industrial chain filling project, vigorously implemented the industrial chain investment promotion, and successively introduced Peking University, BYD, and Huatai Automobile. Engaged in power and energy storage lithium-ion batteries, power and energy storage materials research and development, manufacturing and sales. At present, the complete industrial chain for the manufacture of new energy vehicles has been formed.


According to the "13th Five-Year Plan" plan, Qinghai will increase investment in the lithium resources industry chain, build Qinghai Province into a 100 billion yuan lithium power industry base with influence in the country, and realize the transformation from a large resource province to a strong lithium industry province.


Jiangsu Lithium Battery Enterprise's Hot Choice


Jiangsu is definitely one of the fastest growing places in the lithium industry. With the unique geographical location, developed manufacturing industry and good infrastructure construction in the Yangtze River Delta, in recent years, Jiangsu has attracted many lithium electric enterprises to settle down, including Ningde era, Guoxuan Hi-Tech, Far East Foster, AVIC Lithium, Peking University and other famous companies. At present, there are more than 300 lithium-battery related enterprises in Jiangsu province.


Last September, Ningde also invested 10 billion years in the construction of a power battery base in Xiangyang, Jiangsu Province. This is the third production base in the Ningde era except Ningde and Qinghai. Abroad, including Tesla, Bosch, and Samsung, they also chose to build factories in Jiangsu.


At present, Jiangsu has formed an industrial chain that covers key links such as positive and negative electrode materials, battery diaphragm, battery cores, battery packs, and structural parts, and has gathered a number of industry top power batteries, new energy and new energy vehicle companies. Wuxi, Suzhou, Changzhou, etc. are all popular choices for the construction of lithium battery companies. In Xiangyang alone, the output value of the entire lithium battery industry will reach 30 billion yuan in the next 3-5 years.


Henan Xinxiang China Battery Industry Capital


Henan Xinxiang battery industry started from the 1950s to the 21st century. In 60 years, Xinxiang has formed a relatively complete industrial chain covering metal mineral resources, battery materials, batteries, battery applications, and recycling. Industrial clusters, Known as the "China Battery Industry Capital", Xinxiang currently has more than 200 battery-related companies. From raw materials to batteries to electric vehicles, Xinxiang has cultivated an interlocking industrial chain.


In the future, Xinxiang will become a top-ranking domestic battery and electric vehicle industrial base integrating R&D, production and trade.


Xinxiang has become the "Huangpu special Academy of China's power industry" and has trained many talents for the lithium power industry. Many "lithium electricity people" in the industry come from Henan Xinxiang. However, in recent years, the lithium power industry in Xinxiang has developed weakly and has been overtaken by other places. At present, Xinxiang has not yet produced well-known companies in the industry, and few lithium power companies have settled in Xinxiang.


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