22 Years' Battery Customization

Why Does the Battery of the Plant Protection Drone Bulge? Unraveling Drone Battery Problems and Understanding the Causes of Bulging Batteries

Jul 05, 2023   Pageview:268


As the use of drones for various applications continues to soar, plant protection drones have become an invaluable tool in modern agriculture. These drones aid crop monitoring, precision spraying, and overall agricultural efficiency. However, as with any electronic device, plant protection drones rely on batteries for power, and sometimes these batteries can exhibit an alarming issue: bulging. In this blog, we will delve into drone battery problems, explore the potential dangers of bulging batteries, and uncover the reasons behind battery bulging.

Drone Battery Problems 

Drones have become increasingly popular for recreational and professional use, offering incredible aerial capabilities and opening up new possibilities in various industries. However, one critical aspect that drone enthusiasts and operators must address is the battery life and performance. Understanding and managing drone battery problems is crucial for optimizing flight time, ensuring safety, and maximizing the overall drone experience.

●Limited Flight Time:

One of the primary drone battery problems is the limited flight time. Drones rely on batteries, typically lithium-ion polymer (LiPo) or lithium polymer (Li-Po) batteries, which provide a balance between energy density and weight. However, even the most advanced drone batteries have a limited capacity, resulting in restricted flight durations.

To address this issue, drone operators can take several steps. First, it is essential to have spare batteries readily available. Carrying multiple fully charged batteries allows extended flight sessions without interrupting the operation. Optimizing flight settings, such as reducing payload weight or minimizing aggressive maneuvers, can help conserve battery power and extend flight time.

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3.2V 20A Low Temp LiFePO4 Battery Cell -40℃ 3C discharge capacity≥70% Charging temperature:-20~45℃ Discharging temperature: -40~+55℃ pass acupuncture test -40℃ maximum discharge rate:3C

●Battery Drainage and Voltage Drops:

Another common problem is rapid voltage drops and battery drainage. This occurs when the drone's power consumption exceeds the battery's output capability. Factors such as aggressive flying, high wind resistance, or using power-intensive features like video recording can drain the battery faster than anticipated.

To mitigate battery drainage, drone operators can implement the following measures:

1.Avoid excessive acceleration and deceleration, as sudden speed changes consume more power.

2.Disable unnecessary features or functions that are not crucial to the flight mission. Plan flights strategically by optimizing battery usage by considering weather conditions, payload weight, and flight distances.

●Battery Bulging: 

Battery bulging is a critical issue that can pose safety risks. It occurs when a drone battery swells or expands, usually due to internal chemical reactions or physical damage. Bulging batteries can lead to leakage, fires, or even explosions, making it crucial to address this problem promptly.

Several factors can contribute to battery bulging. Overcharging the battery can cause excess heat buildup, leading to swelling. Similarly, overdischarging or subjecting the battery to physical damage can compromise its structural integrity and result in bulging. Manufacturing defects or the battery reaching the end of its lifespan can also be contributing factors.

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Low Temperature High Energy Density Rugged Laptop Polymer Battery Battery specification: 11.1V 7800mAh -40℃ 0.2C discharge capacity ≥80% Dustproof, resistance to dropping, anti - corrosion, anti - electromagnetic interference

Following manufacturer guidelines for charging and discharging is essential to prevent battery bulging. Use recommended chargers and avoid leaving the battery connected for an extended period. Regularly inspect batteries for physical damage or swelling, and discontinue use if any irregularities are detected. Proper storage, transportation, and handling of batteries are also crucial to prevent damage that could lead to bulging.

●Battery Lifespan and Aging: 

Like any rechargeable battery, drone batteries have a finite lifespan and degrade over time. Repeated charge-discharge cycles gradually deteriorate the battery's internal chemistry, leading to reduced performance, decreased flight time, and potential battery problems.

To extend the lifespan of drone batteries, proper battery maintenance is essential. Avoid storing batteries in extreme temperatures, as high heat and extreme cold can impact battery performance. Store batteries at optimal charge levels recommended by the manufacturer during long periods of inactivity. Regularly cycle batteries by fully charging and discharging them to maintain their health.

Are Drone Batteries Dangerous? 

Like any lithium-ion or polymer battery, Drone batteries can present certain risks if mishandled or subjected to adverse conditions. While drone batteries are generally safe when used correctly, it is crucial to be aware of potential dangers and take appropriate precautions.

One of the primary concerns associated with drone batteries is the risk of fire or explosion. If a battery is damaged, overcharged, or exposed to extreme heat, it can become unstable and potentially catch fire. Battery bulging, caused by overcharging or physical damage, can also increase the risk of battery failure.

To mitigate these risks, handling drone batteries with care is essential. Avoid dropping or subjecting them to impact, as this can damage the internal components and increase the likelihood of a battery malfunction. Use the recommended charger and follow the manufacturer's instructions for charging and storage. Keep batteries from being overcharged or left unattended during charging.

Additionally, storing drone batteries in a cool, dry place, away from flammable materials, is crucial. If you notice any signs of battery damage, such as swelling or deformation, discontinue use immediately and dispose of the battery properly according to local regulations.

Following proper handling, charging, and storage procedures can significantly minimize the risks associated with drone batteries. It is important to prioritize safety and be vigilant regarding battery maintenance to ensure a safe and enjoyable drone flying experience.

Why Do Batteries Bulge? 

Several factors can contribute to the bulging of drone batteries. Let's explore some of the common causes:

1.    Overcharging: Overcharging a LiPo battery can lead to excess heat buildup, causing internal components to expand and the battery to bulge. This can occur when the charger malfunctions or the user unintentionally leaves the battery connected for an extended period.

2.    Over discharging: Similarly, over-discharging a LiPo battery can cause it to bulge. A battery can become unstable and prone to swelling when discharged beyond its safe voltage range.

3.    Physical Damage: Dropping or subjecting the drone to a significant impact can damage the battery's internal structure, leading to bulging. Even minor damage to the battery's protective outer casing can compromise its integrity and result in swelling.

4.    Manufacturing Defects: In some cases, battery bulging can be attributed to manufacturing defects. Poor quality control or inconsistencies in the production process can lead to the formation of gas pockets within the battery, causing it to swell over time.

5.    Age and Wear: Like any rechargeable battery, the overall lifespan of a drone battery is finite. With repeated charge-discharge cycles, the battery's internal chemistry degrades and may become more prone to bulging or other issues.

Prevention and Safety Measures: 

To ensure the safe operation of plant protection drones and mitigate battery bulging risks, the following preventive measures are recommended:

Proper Charging: 

Always use the manufacturer-recommended charger and follow the instructions for charging LiPo batteries. Avoid overcharging or leaving the battery connected for an extended period.

Avoid Over discharging: 

Monitor the battery's voltage during operation and land the drone before the battery reaches critically low levels. Utilize a low-voltage alarm or telemetry system to help you keep track of battery levels.

Handle with Care:

 Treat drone batteries carefully and avoid subjecting them to physical impacts or damage—store and transport batteries in suitable protective cases or bags to prevent potential punctures or crushing.

Regular Inspections: 

Periodically inspect your drone batteries for any signs of physical damage, swelling, or irregularities. If you notice any bulging or deformation, discontinue use and properly dispose of the battery following the recommended guidelines.


Understanding and addressing drone battery problems, including the issue of battery bulging, is essential for safe and optimal drone operation. Limited flight time, battery drainage, and aging are common challenges that can affect the performance of drone batteries. Additionally, drone batteries, like any lithium-ion or lithium polymer battery, can pose risks if mishandled or exposed to adverse conditions. 

The risk of fire or explosion is a primary concern, and proper handling, charging, and storage procedures must be followed to minimize these risks. By implementing preventive measures, such as avoiding overcharging and over-discharging, handling batteries with care, and conducting regular inspections, drone operators can ensure a safer and more reliable drone flying experience. Prioritizing battery maintenance and safety will help unravel drone battery problems and contribute to the longevity and efficiency of plant protection drones and other drone applications in various industries.


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