22 Years' Battery Customization

Seven production processes of lithium battery

Mar 22, 2019   Pageview:724

The lithium battery production process:

The first step - the preparation of electrode coating

Mainly mix up the electrode active material, binder and solvent. It will form into a paste after fully mixing dispersion.

Step 2 - coated

Will be the first step in the preparation of stock to specify the thickness of coating to the collection of fluid (aluminum foil and copper foil, etc.), and drying solvent.

Step 3 - sheet cutting

Will be made on step plate cutting into the size of the specified shape.

Step 4 - laminated

Will is negative, the diaphragm assembly together, after finishing the rubberizing, form the very core.

Step 5 - assembly soft package battery

Will step on the production of the core loading has good pit aluminum-plastic film, and complete the top kill, side sealing mouth (and leave a note liquid), such as formation is not soft package of liquid battery。

Step 6 - injection liquid

Previous quantitative electrolyte injection of soft package of batteries inside.Batteries will, of course, after baking, and under the environment of low humidity liquid injection operation, the moisture content is not too much.

Step 7 - sealed battery

Batteries in vacuum environment of internal gas extraction and complete sealing.

With the rapid development of electric vehicles and the car, the car with the power source and the rapid development, but the battery has a lot of problems in production, caused the market's battery product quality is uneven, the capacity of the battery cycle life can not meet the design service life of the late, this in battery in production has its unique production process has a lot to do.The structure of the battery shell and cover, plate, plate, bus bar, a column, the bridge protection board, terminal and other parts.

Plate weighing

Kedi plate

1.First of all to the inside of the each battery plate weighed, and plate group.Capacity of each cluster capacity should be equal, or small group for capacity while on a full charge in advance, so large capacity battery pack is not yet full of, low voltage of the battery, the voltage is not the termination voltage continued charging, a group of small cause capacity to form of charging, if, when the battery discharge capacity of the group that small charge in advance, the rest of the high voltage of the battery, the battery without electric power to terminate the total voltage protection voltage, discharge continues, however, creates a battery over discharge.

Battery over charge and over discharge and recharge not in time will affect the service life of the battery, however the battery battery capacity decline further, the small group of battery capacity decline further that the group of charging and discharging, so caused the decrease of the battery capacity quickly scrapped.

2.Before weighing plate processing

In front of the plate weighing to clear in the production of plate delete redundant in front, burr, superfluous active substances in paste, if not clean will cause short-circuit the battery self-discharge battery plate.Will want to use a scrub brush headphones plate on the excess impurities clean down to facilitate welding, in case of causing virtual welding, welding.To plate is uneven, to take off the serious, the plate with a hole in it, and selected.

3.How the weighing plate

In plate weighing distribution group, said the first part of the plate according to the weight of different discharge in turn on the workbench, than mark weight, and then in the said no weighing plate in the weighing device according to the weight of each plate, according to the weight of the plate and placed on the worktable plate placed together, so it was some trouble.(the positive plate and negative plate as small as possible, and the weight of the each group of 10 ~ 14 ah error not more than 1 g in each group, 17 ~ 20 ah error for each group of not more than 2 grams.

Bag clapboard

1.Weighing plate shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the weight distribution group, with a good set of junior stuff plate, the material of diaphragm general microcellular rubber, glass fiber, should pay attention to the diaphragm, when package will plate in the middle of the diaphragm, if the location of the plate, on the plate in the box.

Kedi partition

2.Are double package, with very thin plate piece together only the positive plate up, don't pack negative plate, so that we can avoid the defects caused by the monolithic diaphragm short circuit.Single chip package board, with partition for positive plate packages were not only negative plate inside the package board box, convenient and simple.

The lead selection and processing parts

1.Lead component is made from lead electrode and a column, and it has a special mould casting. Generally it is at about 450 ℃. It will has oxidation of lead under high temperature. Lead will has a crack caused by shrink seriously. It is not allowed to use the iron hammer hit the mold. Make sure there is no edge between the lead component. If any, process the component.

Kedi lead component

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