22 Years' Battery Customization

What will happen if often run out of power when use lithium-ion battery?

Jan 16, 2019   Pageview:909

If lithium-ion battery runs out of electricity, it will shorten battery life.


The battery life of lithium batteries is determined according to the charging cycle. Taking the battery of the iPhone as an example, after completing the discharge cycle of 500 charging boxes, the power will drop to 80% of the original battery capacity. A charge cycle means that all the battery power i used up, but it is not equivalent to a single charge.


For example, you can use the iPhone for a few hours a day, use only half of the power, and then fully charge it. If this is the case count the next day, this can only as a charge cycle, not two, so it may take several days to complete a cycle. Of course, every time a charging cycle is completed, the battery capacity will reduced a little. Therefore, it will be difficult for the battery to maintain the usage time of one day. This means that the battery of the mobile phone should replace or the mobile phone should replace directly.


As for the maintenance of mobile device batteries, there are the following daily attention points:


1. Turn off some networking settings that you do not need;


2. Fully use the battery at least once a month before completely exhausting it;


3, to ensure that your equipment is not too tight due to the protective cover, resulting in overheating of the equipment, thus affecting battery life.


When lithium-ion battery indicates that battery is low and you continue to use it, this will greatly damage battery life. Battery life is generally 500-1000 cycles (base on battery A or battery B). It is not recommend when lithium battery run out of power and you still use it. After several times like this, it might be damage, so it is better to charge in time


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